Help me with insomnia

What can I do for insomnia??? I am almost 6 months in then out of the blue my body said hey girl you don’t need sleep at all. I’m on day 5 of about 2 hours each night if I’m lucky. Due to RLS I can’t do the over the counter sleep aids. I need to rest I’m so tired and I need my body to not give out on me

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Hi…sorry you’re struggling to sleep. Apologies if you’ve already tried these but I’m just putting what I do. Try and make your bedroom as restful as possible… Put on some nice fresh bedding… Drink chamomile tea throughout the afternoon… Go for a nice steady calm walk if you can after dinner… Put on a nice warm bath with lavender oil if possible… Light some candles… Chill out in the bath… when you are ready calmly go into your bedroom with a snore and peace tea or lavender tea and lay on your bed. On YouTube nowadays there are loads of sleep therapy/hypnotherapy things. Find one and put that on before you get into bed. I have read on here that the other people on this forum recommend melatonin, would you be able to take that as well? Hope you get some rest soon my friend x


Ask your doctor about trazadone. It helps you fall asleep within 15 min.

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Congrats on all that sober time.
Insomnia is horrible.
This is what I tried. It did get better. Just took time.
No caffeine after lunch
Exercise even if it’s just walking
Limit sugar intake during the afternoon
Shower or bath before bed
Humidifier in the bedroom
Kicked my husband out of the bedroom for a week or so lol he has rls drove me nuts
Go to bed at the same time every night
Get up same time every morning

It will get better but while your not sleeping it is tough.


Thank you so much. I’m hoping for a better night tonight. Got some essential oils to diffuse and Epsom salt for a bath

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Thank you, I feel horrible today. I haven’t slept at all last night so I’m giving these tips a go!!!

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I’m prepared tonight. Bananas, melatonin and valerian root, hot tub soak in Epsom salt and a muscle relaxer for my RLS. Tonight may be the night I sleep. Finally. Thank you all for the tips


On the nights I feel restless, I take a couple of teaspoons of magnesium citrate. Helps calm and sooth your nerves and body. You can can find it at most vitamin stores or online. I also try and up the physical activity…I have a much easier time sleeping when I’m physically tired :sleeping:

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#1 Suggestion: Weighted blanket!
It will relax your sensory system.
Vitamin D supplementation.
Melatonin Sublingual Melts 2.5mg
Blue light filter on all electronics.
Warm lights only after dinner time.
Read until you get sleepy.
Completely dark room. Cool temp.


I’m bad for that, then I just get mad and for sure can’t fall asleep. I had a better night last night so I’m feeling better today. Tonight who knows :joy:

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I’ve had it my whole life. I’m trying CBD Oil (cannabis extract). It has no THC, so there’s no mood altering effect. Try it in combination with some of the supplements mentioned by others; melatonin & valerian supplements are particularly good for me. Amazon has it if you live where cannabis products are not available.

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Thank you so much

Thank you, I did melatonin last night and slept until 5am so I was pleased with that. Going to stay on a schedule and cut out all caffeine after 1:00. I feel better today. I have the valerian root also to try

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Weighted blanket is on my Christmas list :grin: