Help please! Talk me outta this

Such a familiar list! I have a book with mine and always nr me to knock some sense into me… not started on the benefits yet but will do as you have done … as these need to be acknowledged… thanks


You can do this! Wonderful advice and support here. Keep strong and be proud you should be

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Yep stress relief through overeating works for me, or smaxking on things I might have said no to while drinking

I need to lose weight, though. For my own health! I gained 50lbs while drinking

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One thing at a time though! If snacking helps curb those cravings for the time being, you should be able to feel comfortable in that. You are overcoming great odds, you deserve rewards

I am agoraphobic. It wasn’t until I started recovery that I became so terrified to even walk to my mailbox. My boyfriend (who is an amazing man and beyond supportive) drinks. There is a fridge full of beer. I never drank beer. I drank fifths of 99 proof. Like water. I drank until I almost died. I cannot stand the smell or taste of beer but today I am having such a hard time that opening the fridge is my version of going to the store. So now today instead of being trapped in my home- I am trapped in my room because the store is in my kitchen. I called the local AA number and was told it is only an answering service and was hung up on when I asked what number I am supposed to call for help. I can’t talk you out of the store. I can only tell you we all have our store and today I am fighting going to mine as well. Misery doesn’t love company. We are hurting and seeking understanding by others facing the same pain.


I had that day yesterday. BUT…instead of coming here for support…I blew it and now I’m paying the price AGAIN…wasting a beautiful day because I cant get outta bed​:nauseated_face::roll_eyes:
Stay strong! It’s so not worth it! Imagining spiders in the store works for me!:joy: Wish I had seen it 24 hours ago!!!

I love this! May I copy it?
Thank you for this good idea for beating the urges.

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Yes, feel free!! Hope it assists you as much as it did me. Healthy to have a reminder of what drinking really offers us.

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Thank you!
When you say you keep the list on your phone…is that an certain app? Or just like a “note” app

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I keep it in a “note” on one of my home screens.

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Me too…the extra weight is killing me🙄

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Find someone fast that may like to go for a walk . Hug and pet an animal you have . Mindset change . Do make up . Live longer drink water . Go to meeting . Find a new tribe . Scream it out if you have to dont drink no matter what .


I had gestational diabetes (diabetes that done women get during pregnancy) and was told I need to keep my weight down but now that I’m a good 50lbs overweight, I get worried…diabetes was definitely no fun and I don’t want to live the rest of my life that way…that’s for darn sure!

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It’s not about him. It’s about you healing. Good job. We are proud of you !!


You should try cooking something that takes a lot of time to prepare, see how happy you feel after getting through that complicated meal prep. Another option would be to order something from delivery that you like, spoil yourself with your favorite meal and watch a tv show or movie that can keep your attention from your addiction.

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Turn on some music, some ice water close your eyes and relax! The hell with that store, you’ll be fine, you got this

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hope all is well friend @Jlynn

That is being codependent by worrying about what others think and/or feel. The important part is how you think and feel about yourself.
Getting sober is all about wanting it for yourself and not anyone else. Some people won’t understand how much a struggle it is for you if they have never been through it before. Be patient and take care of yourself and reward yourself. You did it and all on your own. The mind can be a very tricky thing to control and you will eventually retrain your brain with new activities,hobbies, and routine…