Help wanted

Hi there
I,m no for 130 days sober
I noticed that I’m falling back in old patterns
More grumpy,depressed,tired
I’m afraid that it’s going downhill again
I’ve not used, but the thoughts of using are getting more and more
Just want to write this down because I’m getting scared that I will relapse


Do you work a program as giving up alone is useally not enough,i myself are struggling ATM I’m on day 71.


ive noticed expressing myself through this app helps. writting down emotions or thoughts help me come to my conclution that i have a bad problem with alcohol

alcohol is so damn cunning

wether its one day clean or 150 days clean, we all know where it takes us. i know if i was 150 days sober, the night b4 could be worse.

very cunning
very baffaling

thank you for expressing yourself
it helps me too


Solid advice above. Writing things out helps. Jumping into a program of recovery especially for getting through those nagging feelings and habits that always tried to draw me back in.

And as always, just hanging out here, reading and sharing how you’re doing! We got ya. :+1: There’s a Checking in Daily to Help Maintain Focus thread you could check out.

Glad you’re here, friend.


Do you have people around who know about your struggles? I suggest talking about it, it helps me to ventilate. Something that you are already doing here. What me also helps is writing down what I’m thinking and feeling, it makes it more clear for myself to make it visible on paper.

Try to find meetings in your area, AA, NA etc.
Take it one day at a time for sure, what’s most important is not use/drink today, tomorrow is a new day.

For me it’s very important aswell to keep having structure in my daily life; eating healthy 3x a day, exercise, going to sleep on time etc.
Try to keep a positive mindset, in the beginning of my recovery I wrote down 3 things a day where I was gratefull for that day, which helped me, I still do it when I struggle to regain a positive mindset.

My thoughts go out to you, wish you alot of strength. You can do this, I believe in you!:muscle:t3:


Hi Emma sorry to here your struggling. What’s up lovely? Do u wanna chat ? X


It’s normal to relax and get complacent, start thinking I’m OK now so just a little won’t hurt, I know I can stop when I want.
Let’s reset but without the relapse.
start another counter, have another day one, get back to the basics and do whatever got you this far, it always has been always is and always will be one day at a time. It would be quite exciting again to get another 7 days goal and that buzz from your first month that you never thought you could get again.


Thank you for your help


Thank you, it helps to get feedback so that I can stay on the right path…


Thank you so much, it really helps

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Thank you,your right
I was wandering off the straight path
Have to keep my structure and meetings
It also helps to express my feelings here on this app

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Thank you so much
It’s true that you forget where you are coming from
Have to pick up little goals again and start take it on day at the time
I’m so thankful that I can express my feelings here


Great idea Paul great idea i feel i may well do this as I’ve had my toughest day near on so far.


toughest day as in relapse or a crap day in general.

Hard day sitting with old painful feeling was touch and go but I’m putting me head on the pillow clean.xx


don’t be fooled by my calm demeanour, I want to get wasted everyday but just won’t. When one way to stay clean and sober starts to wear thin I move on and try something new, I stick to the basics like prayer and morning routine but I add to it, hence why I’m so quiet everywhere at the moment. I’m in other groups and threads and I’m quiet there too. I’m now reading shit loads of eckhart Tolle and more motivational videos. planning my new wellbeing clinic project, writing music. Well done finding the strength to pull through today. So yes start another counter and set it to start 5am this morning. When you wake up you’ve already done the first day of stage 2 of your journey. Stage 1 is quitting, stage 2 is learning how to stay quit.


Thanks Paul xx