Help with Employment, Applications, etc

I am 5 months clean and have been being instantly denied by every single job apply to. I was terminated from my last place of employment based on a “No call - No show,” which I am actually currently fighting for discrimination since my employer knew I was in the emergency room at the time.

A lot of the applications I am filling out ask for past employment, supervisors names’, and reasons for leaving. Due to my actions in active addiction, the to places I was employed, one for three years, and the latter for 5 months, wouldn’t have anything good to say about me.

Does anyone have any experience with getting back to work with termination history. My previous employment was for a small industry which I am looking for jobs outside of, so I also don’t have too much experience in things outside of that industry. What do I put on these applications? Do I leave information out and disclose if asked for an interview, do I be honest upfront, do I make up some closely aligned story that shows some sort of growth on my part. I am so torn.

I am feeling pretty frustrated, especially considering I have a 10 year old at home and Christmas is right around the corner. I need to be able to start providing for him again. I managed to make enough money taking online surveys to get him at least one thing for Christmas but it feels so “addicty.” I want a real fulfilling career.

Any help, advice, prayers, etc are welcomed. Thank you all so much; you’re helping save my life.


Hey man, hang in there, rejections suck, but it happens to the best of us.

I’m not sure where your at, but in some states in the US, when someone contacts previous employers, they can only confirm your employment status between start and end, reason for leaving, and if your eligible for rehire.

You may want to check these disclosure laws in your region of the world.

I’m always a fan of “less is more” but also be honest. I think understanding disclosure laws will dictate how you proceed.

Just know, people get fired and while it sucks, you will move on. I’ve been there before, a few times.

Wish you luck my friend.


By law the past employers are only allowed to give the dates that you worked. They cannot give any reason of why you are no longer there. Also you can state it was a personal readon for leaving. Dont over think it right now, go easy on yourself. Alot of companies are not hiring in Dec. Unless its retail…you can get hired seasonal.
Im a recruiter, so if you would like to pm me please do, i may be able to help.
Stay strong and sober :muscle::raised_hands::heart: