Help with withdrawls

Here I am again trying to wean off the devils juice. Any tips to help with withdrawl? I feel so sick. I hate that I fucked up. Had to leave work early today. Im so upset with myself. You would think I hated myself for putting myself through this hell. Alcohol is not my friend, my enemy…

Lots of water to rehydrate, gatorade for lost electrolytes, sleep to heal, small light meals (soup, crackers, sandwiches, fruit) to get your blood sugar stabilized. There’s no easy way…you’ll have to walk through it. Use this experience and remember as to WHY you can’t drink.

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Some people find the best way is to sleep. Im finding myself going to bed really early. im 7 days with nothing and i find just going to bed helps as if im asleep im not tempted to drink. Even if you come straight home from work and goto bed. anything is better than drinking


I downloaded a couple of hypnosis/meditation apps for alcohol addiction and listened to it when I was craving and also as I laid in bed going to sleep.

It definitely helped and also ended up pretty relaxed when I was done listening.


I hate the idea of drinking again. I’ve reached out to my friend who is an AODA therapist. She is a good support. I’ve never really wanted to call myself an alcoholic, but I might have to to get friends and fam serious about not having alcohol around me.

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Can u recommend a good app for relaxation thanks

Thanks that’s great IL give it ago :blush:

I use a hypnosis app from Joseph Clough. Just put his name or JC hypnosis in the Google play store and it comes up.

I started using another one though that I really like called binaural beats hypnosis. I use that one now always when I go to sleep and sometimes during the day if I can find the time.

There are a lot of good ones out there.

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The Honest Guys meditations on Youtube…there are different types to choose from.

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