Helpful books

For Christmas I asked for a few books… I’m finding them very supportive & emotionally stimulating. One of the books is Pillow Thoughts by Courtney Peppernell. My mom bought the book for me and, while wrapping it, opened it to a rather dark page. So she left me a note to remind me that she loves me. It was just what I needed the other when I decided to start reading the book…

So as I’ve found comfort and support in these books, I’m opening this thread for others who would like to share some of the books theyve found helpful.


My Damage - Keith Morris

A new pair of glasses - Chuck C

Just started reading, “Drinking, a Love Story.”

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That poem is beautiful!

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Lots of info on books here if you search. Here is one thread…

(Sobriety reading)

Dokkodo by Musashi. Not for everyone, but if you view recovery as a fight for your very life, Musashi’s message will resonate with you.


Let me know how this is. I work with a lot of positive client’s and MSM client’s so I am always looking for new insight.