Here I am again-but new to post

Ohhhh Boy… never thought I’d actually post!
I am a few hours away from 7 days sober! Which is great but I’ve been in this exact spot SO…MANY…DAMN…TIMES!
I feel fantastic, I’m sleeping great , in a great mood.
But there is that (when is this all gonna crash, and the mental monsters take over?)Nag in the back of my mind.

How does everyone work through those mental monsters? I have tried and failed so many times.

All suggestions welcome!


Welcome! In the beginning I stay active on here. I participated and read as much as I could. I read anything about alcoholism and addiction. Read every about self betterment. I eventually started AA as well. For me, I looked at relapsing as a choice. I choose a better, sober life.


Hey welcome! Congrats on 7 days. Be proud of that! For the mental struggle doing what your doing, posting on here, going to meetings, and talking with others personally helps me get my head right. Or just turning on my music and vibing while i draw. What hpbbies do you have? Try keeping yourself busy doing productive things.

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I don’t know what your DOC is, mine was alcohol, and in the early days the following things were major game changers.

  1. throw out Satan’s Piss from your house, do not keep any of it in your house

  2. modify your routine, do not go to shops where you would usually waste your money on the Piss-juice… Go to a different shop for food, modify your routine to bypass some of the automatic subconscious reactions.

  3. do not visit the alcohol isles. Just don’t go there.

  4. recognise the inner voice that is telling you to drink as a destructive voice. Shut it down IMMEDIATELY, do not barter with it, do not reason with it, shut it down.


In the very very beginning… I prayed " God help me" about 100 times a day. I repeated the serenity prayer too. I still pray of course but its more of prayers of graditude and direction. I need his direction in my life today… I would likely direct myself to a bottle if I insisted on doing all myself. Im proud of you for speaking out. Also, just because you have a pattern doesn’t mean you can’t change it. It is possible!

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Funny I call it Devil Juice! But yes, Alcohol!
Good advice! Thank you.
I am not feeling the pull yet. But it always happens and I can always convince myself that it will just be a couple. Sometimes it is just a couple (4), only its a couple for the next 5 days straight.
I hate it.
There are 3 liquor stores between work and home.
They all know what I want and how many. Isn’t that disgusting!!
Hopefully just telling this to someone will help!
Thanks again!


As for me… when i speak it… whatever it is, it losing its power.

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