Here once more trying again

Living in Melbourne Australia. Trying to get sober again and would love to hear everyone’s tips. Peace

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Try a meeting might help wish you well

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Hey there!

Try reading through this thread :point_down:

Tips for getting and staying sober

Then there’s thread which contains a bunch more information that might be helpful as well :slightly_smiling_face:

Frequently asked questions about sobriety for newcomers

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Trying again, I’ve been there. It was only when I tried something else, listening to folks here and going to a meeting in which it finally changed. So many day 1s over three to four years and finally I tried something different. Not doing it my way. I didn’t like it, and that was ok, I didn’t have to, but it worked and I came to believe that was more important. Wish you the best. You got this.

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Best tips: Don’t give up. Keep trying until it sticks.
Garner all the sober tools you can. This community is one of those tools. Meetings is another. Meditation. Exercise. Drinking lots of water & eating healthy. Lots of rest etc.
One day at a time is a saying because it works.

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Read around, lot of good stuff here

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