Here’s to day 1 of a new life

Any tips for getting through the first week?


For me, I did something every morning to strengthen my resolve, e.g. reading quit lit, a meeting. I did and do post daily on here
Checking in daily to maintain focus #41
I like to give and receive recognition and support.


Welcome Rae.
Check in daily, it’ll help you maintain your focus.
Read / watch / listen to as much sobriety related as you can find.

And in case of trouble, there’s always someone here to get you through :+1:


Get a copy of ‘This Naked Mind’
Also do things that you find pleasurable ie hobbies etc…


Things that helped me- Hopping into bed early, resting, walks, swimming to get some good endorphins going and ease the mind, milkshakes and nice food, Netflix and remembering that the first week is rough. That it gets better. Being kind to yourself in the hard part. Reminding yourself of why sobriety is important to you, and why you want to quit.
Checking in here to feel heard and supported :heart:


Read through different topics here, listen lots of stories of people who got sober. About how they did it and what sobriety means to them now. I recommend Paul Churchill’s “Recovery elevator” podcast.

And mainly…

There is a reason/reasons why you decided to stop drinking and start sobriety. Keem them reason in your mind and remember them always when you feel like you would like to drink.
Also, remember how it feels to have the first drink (good?) and then the last one (still good?). Remember how it feels to be drunk, blackout, without control, hungover the next day, devastated, depressed, anxious and with regrets. Then decide if you still want to get that drink.

Find yourself hobby by trying different things. Replace the drinking time with something what will fulfill your free time as well as soul. There are plenty things to do out there :wink:
e.g. I started doing more exercise and educate myself about alcoholism when I stopped drinking.


Don’t think about the future just enjoy every sober minute

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