Here we go with Day 1 (Nervous but optimistic)

Well… here we ago again! I’ve been a heavy drinker since about 19 years old, I am 29/M. I was able to quit for 3 years. However, I picked the habit back up during the pandemic. Getting sick and tired of constantly getting wasted/blackout drunk. I’m also going to abstain from weed as well (I’ve been smoking weed off and on since I was 14 years old)… I’m remaining alert and aware with the fact that I’m an alcoholic, however I am confident, and hopeful with abstaining from both alcohol and weed.


Welcome to this great sober community Alex.
I’m glad you found us.


Welcome to the community. Through your sobriety journey you’ll have good days and bad days, try not to let the bad days get you down. Mistakes happen but never give up on yourself. If you need to reach out. :v::sunglasses:


@Slappytime Good for you! Well done on making this decision, I know how hard and sometimes agonising and stressful that decision can be. You have the strength and resolve in you and you have a good attitude, that will really help with your sobriety journey.

Sending loads of encouragement and blessings from Australia :kangaroo: :koala: xo

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