Here's Johnny!

Today, is birthday of Jack Nicholson, who did a powerful role in movie “The Shining.” The way he portrayed alcoholism in the film reminded me of my own struggles during that time.

When I was dealing with alcohol addiction, I preferred to be alone and often talked to myself, just like Nicholson’s character in the movie. Lines like “Women: can’t live with them, can’t live without them”, “whatever the fu*k you hear me doing, when I’m in here, that means that I am working, that means don’t come in.” and “I’m not gonna hurt ya. I’m just going to bash your brains in!” felt like echoes of my own inner dialogue during those tough days. I used to behave exactly the same under the influence of alcohol. Everyone around me, were scared of me.

Alcoholism isn’t just about drinking; it’s about the chaos it brings into your mind and life.

So, on Jack Nicholson’s birthday, let’s not only celebrate his talent but also remember the lessons from “The Shining” about addiction and the importance of getting help when we need it.