Here's Where I Am Now

I have two meetings today that I am unbelievably anxious over. My first meeting with my school / career counselor will be admitting that I failed all my courses and I fully expect to lose my career. The second meeting I will be talking to my temporary mental health counselor about how the first meeting went. I have been trying to schedule an appointment with a new therapist but am having trouble with insurance.
The worst part (I hope) is the uncertainty of it all. One way or another my whole life changes today. I’m digging deep for gratitude and strength.


I haven’t had my coffee yet but my thought when I read this was; all these steps in our life (literally and figuratively) lead us to our destination. Breathe deep and you’ll be just fine.


I agree with @DLS Donna - you’ll get through this and come out the other side, you’ll find your path forward and a new chapter can begin. It will be a hard day, but make sure you are kind to yourself and if you can plan for a quiet, restful evening, do it. Hang in there!


Yesterday wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Thanks to you guys. I did this SOS breathing before my meetings. My future is still uncertain but I have been feeling more hopeful.


Tonight will make two weeks. Two weeks since I couldn’t stand up until 9PM after a bender that had me passed out behind shubs at a convention center, losing my backpack and van keys, and so dehydrated I had half a gallon of Powerade and didn’t pee for another day.

Reminding myself. I never want to go there again. Nowhere near.

Finally some good things happening in my life.


And don’t you forget it rhumb. Never ever. Keep going, one day at a time. It’s all you and we all can do. Keep going. Keep learning. Don’t go it alone. Hope you got help somewhere. This is a good place to be but there are many more. Being together with your peers is the difference between failure and success. I know cause I’ve seen both. Congrats on two weeks rhumb. And all success in your sober journey.

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Thank you. I am seeing a new therapist and am thinking about in-person AA. I also need to start doing normal things with other people, like a club or something. I’ve been isolated. Thanks for being here for me.


Sound like good solid plans friend. Build on 'm. You’re doing good.