Hey everyone I'm back

Lol thanks, I’m on it!!!

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Still going strong!!! No job yet I have an appointment at the local temp agency in town Friday morning. So I’m just going to meetings and trying to keep positive about all of it. I have a couple buddies who have been making sure I’m doing what I say and I appreciate that. Anyway just checking in guys!!! Hope everyone is doing well.


Hope your meeting goes well and you find an awesome job soon, great work on sticking on the sober trainand keeping up the meetings :blush:

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The fact that you’re back is a fantastic sign that you have lots of love for life and more to accomplish.

Keep it up. I’m proud of you. Good things will come your way!

Thank you everyone I’m going to keep going to meetings and all my substance abuse appointments. Hope everyone is doing well and hope you have a great day.


So I got a job today and start Monday morning. It’s at a cricket farm. Its interesting to say the least. Bugs dont bother me so and it just till I can start at the VA so I’m excited.


Well done Eric. Big confidence boost for you.
Really pleased for you.


Congratulations on the new job, Eric!

Thanks Kevineskay, it’s a start. I’m going to a mens retreat all day tomorrow with some Celebrity recovery guys. It will be nice to get out, and it’s at a big lake so get some peacefulness and nature too. I am blessed.


Ok well the new job was ok. It’s a cricket farm for fish bait and pet food. It’s really stinky and bugs everywhere like crawling on your neck every where. The work was easy enough but the conditions are hot and dirty. The room I worked in to day was 105. I sweated through my boots lol. I am thankful to have a job and will be really thankful to be able to pay my bills. God is good all the time.


I am 24 days sober today and everything is going pretty good. I am getting lots of support from my Celebrate recovery family and I am so thankful. I know that I can do this,and that if I want to have any kind health lifestyle I must do this. I am just checking in with you all and hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for the support here everyone.:heart:


This is a great thread seeing your progress and success! I am glad you have a job, tho it would make me squeal and fidget like mad. We do have giant grasshoppers here with little pink wings, so there is that.

Well done!!


Sounds like a rough job but someone has to do it right? Great job Eric and keep up the good work. I’m proud of you. Have an awesome sober Saturday!


Lol, the Cricket count down is how many days I can make it in a row to work. I figured if I can suffer through the worst job ever I can do anything. The Rough life of the Cricket farmer. So I’ve broke out in little itchy bumps and my eyes are swollen pretty bad. The guys at work said it happens to a few people but usually goes away after a couple days. It’s just a reaction to the feed that we feed the crickets. Anyway I’m sober and clean and very thankful. I have just over a month to make it to my new job at the VA. :grin::heart::grin::heart:


So, how loud is a cricket farm?

Inquiring minds and all…

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Also, I was looking up cricket allergies. And it seems crickets are related to crustaceans, like, shrimp. And if you are allergic to shrimp, you shouldn’t eat crickets.
You aren’t eating them are you? :rofl:

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