Hey guys! I’m new here

I’m 27 years old and I’m 1 month and 4 days clean from meth. I’ve had my ups and downs lately. More ups than down. I found out who I truly am and I’m loving the new sober me! I have a great positive support team. I’m nervous for when I’m alone in my house or when I get bored. I have things I can do but my thoughts still run a mile a minute. I wish I could just shut them offf forever.


Welcome aboard. New here also. Clean 16 days off heroin… lots of good advice here and a lot of time. Good job on being clean. Every day is a new day.


Welcome and congrats on one month and 4 days🥳


Great job! This site is an amazing outlet to staying sober!!

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Welcome :pray:.

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Welcome, both! Keep checking in and congratulations on your sober days! :grinning:

Welcome to both new comers!! I’m 321 days clean today from heroin and meth so I understand where you both are at. I learned to try and picture my thoughts as leaves floating down a river when they come into my head. Also, I learned that thoughts are ok as long as you aren’t reacting to every single one of them. Also, almost every thought I’ve had that I’ve been ashamed of I found out I’m not alone and most other addicts think the same way I do. It’s weird but not. Lol good luck and you’re in the right place. Keep up the hard work, I’m here if you ever need to chat


Welcome! 19 days clean from pills. Congrats on one month and 4 days!


Keep up the good work. I got around 14 months clean and still dealing with ups and downs.but I found a great recovery class I go to twice a week and it gives me that charge I need for the week. Alone time is scary for me also but I got to where I play the tape all the way through about all the Misery it caused me and I’m good to go


My life in a nutshell. :laughing: I thought sobriety would settle my mind a bit. It turns out that sobriety sets me free to live my life - and part of my life is my mind full of monkeys. I’m working with that still, figuring out what my strengths are - and we do have them! - and working on developing those strengths.

You have strengths too. Now that you’re sober you are truly free, to know your sober self, and see her for everything she is. It’s an adventure and I am sure you’ll discover wonderful things!


Welcome, welcome and remember that there is hope! As I lay my head on my pillow tonight iI will be a full 14 days clean and sober after yet another hard relapse. While I didn’t end up back of my DOC which too was meth, I was weeks or even days away from falling back into that horrendous trap.

The feelings, the dreams, and the racing thoughts are horrendous in these first few weeks but there are so many others on this app that remind me daily that it is possible to stay clean. Keep coming back and staying connected, that’s been a huge help for me :sunglasses::metal:t3: Happy you’re hear!!


New here too, 8 days clean off cocaine after a severe overdose with a severe seizure, I’m grateful to be alive and healthy, that’s a situation most people don’t make it out of, and the ones who do usually have some major brain issues.