Hi! 22hrs sober & new here

Just having some anxiety and thought I’d chat here. I had 36 months sober (alcoholic) but I lost it in 2018. And it’s been off and on again since. I lost two loved ones the week of Christmas and went on a binge. Withdrawals were terrible but I’m finally sober. Still have a few at night (when u fall asleep and wake up like u can’t breathe, startled) I don’t know what it’s called but it sucks so I tend to stay up at night. Anyways just looking to keep my mind on the right thing and not cave. If you’ve read this far, thanks :slight_smile:


Thank you! Anxiety is bad tonight.everytime I dose off I shoot up like I’ve had a bad dream… do u know what that is? I’m so tired. Ready to stay sober! Thing like this just make it hard !

I am sorry to hear about you’re loss and fully understand that feeling. It is important to mantain a healthy mind at this time and focus on you’re recovery. Any help is important, this is my first day here and I already feel good about my first step here.
We will get through this!


Thank you! Glad you are here too! It’s my first day as well and thankful God les me to it. The night is the worst for me. We WILL do this :purple_heart:


Hi, I know, night can be very bad for me also, just know that it will get better, things are going to get better!


Sorry for your losses and hardships. I too struggle with anxiety and when I first quit drinking going to sleep was near impossible. I felt like I was going crazy, I thought, "if I could just get fucked up enough I could fall asleep, or atleast pass out. " Luckily, my first 4 weeks of sobriety was in treatment, so I couldnt drink. The sleeping meds didnt really work, so I just had to tough it out. It SUCKED. I wish you the best of luck. Keep coming back, everyone here can be really helpful.


No not yet. I will though. The thing that’s driving me crazy is like a sleep apnea but it only happens like days 1-4 after stopping the drink. I tried to research but I can’t dind anything on it

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Thank you! I keep having this sleep apnea type thing going on at night. It always happens during detox, but normally. I’d love to know what this is! When I was in a detox facility last time the hallucinations were terrible!

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Sounds like panic attacks

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Definitely withdrawals it will get better

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Hey there
I am a week sober today and on day 3 with next to no sleep… it is absolutely horrifying when you go that long without sleep. Your brain rattled and you know if you could just drink you would pass out.
I’m so sorry to hear of your loss, and wish you luck with recovering


I used to get that “wake up gasping for air” thing also when I was detoxing. It was kinda scary, and made sleeping difficult. It was like my body forgot to keep breathing while I was asleep. It eventually passed after detox, but it sure made sleeping difficult.
Welcome to the community @Coco409! You’ve had long term sobriety before, so you know what to do that works for you. Good luck and keep on trying! :blue_heart:


Exercise and maybe a meeting might help wish you well


It’s horrible!!! I counted my timer wrong! I’m 3 days and 16hrs now so it should pass in a day or two! Once I get motivated I should be ok, just had a rough year and caved but thankful for this site to keep my mind straight! Have a good day!


Ty so much! I went to one meeting on my 8mo sober, and had done all the steps without even knowing what they were. I’m in a super small town and I don’t feel comfortable for meetings here for now, :pray:t2: that changes but this forum helps me tons!

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Did you have sponsor when you did the steps ? Keep us posted on your journey wish you well

Take it one day at a time!
know that this is a amazing support group and we are all routing for you!

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Nope. Just God. I was led by Him. I’m starting to get my spiritual and mental strength back!

Thank you SO much! Support REALLY makes it easier! :heart: Have a good day!