Hi everyone. New here

Wow. Thank you for that. It made me cry but in a positive way (if that makes sense)
You’re right. Everything is always okay.
Thank you very much.


Hi @talesh welcome. I’m going through the same thing and it hurts like hell. Good job getting sober again you can do this :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Yeah. Not feelin too strong. But day by day it’ll get better. We are in this together then!


Welcome. I am glad you are here, and hope you will stay, grow and share.

Sorry you are facing sobriety on top of a breakup, but I can tell you that the grieving will resolve faster if you stay sober. Drinking interrupts the process. It doesn’t help.

I can also say that at age 30 your life is just really getting started. I met the love of my life at age 31, about two years after the end of my first marriage. 22 years together, 21 of them married. Still going strong.


Lol we absolutely are and we’ll make it through it even though it’s horribly painful. Glad you’re reaching out there are amazing people in this forum who will help. Hang in there and I’m totally here if you need to talk. Have a good rest of your day :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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That’s awesome @Yoda-Stevie you just gave me hope thank you!

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Thank you for this! Made my heart warm :hugs:


hugs you to you, T! breakups are terrible, esp when fighting for your sobriety - it’s so easy to just go get drunk or use, right? ugh! fight the good fight, my dear. you will look back at this time and can choose now whether this will be positive or negative story in the book of your life. chin up! :heart:


How’d you go?

I presume kcb is keep coming back. It’s an AA phrase that also applies here. It means you are always welcome here. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Did you make the long drive yet? I’m glad you came back today. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m not new here, but have returned after a long stretch.
I hope that your drive has gone well. Being from Canada, I have done some lo-o-ong drives.

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I didn’t. But will be today.
I stalled. We talked. We yelled. I cried. A lot.
But today is the day.
I’m depressed. But I haven’t drank!

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thank you :hugs:

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Haven’t even left yet but will be within the next few hours. I’ve never done a drive this long - well I have but I wasn’t driving so I don’t think it counts!

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Congrats on your decision. You can do it. Im just about to hit what feels like my 20th 90 days and bbn I’m completely new here.


Your circumstances are particularly difficult. Driving a long distance from a broken relationship, leaving behind a beloved pet, sadness, and exhaustion will all combine to undermine your resolve and concentration. Please be extra careful on the road and please let us know you made it safely. I hope you can maintain your quit but please don’t be hard on yourself if you slip. It’s all part of the process. Best wishes and high hopes!

At least you are at 90 days again! That’s amazing! Congratulations!

You’re right. I definitely do not want to be driving.
I have lined up a few podcasts and playlists so I will be prepared. Well, prepared in that way at least.
Thank you for your words.

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Yes and I will be looking forward to celebrating yours. I’m confused about the drive have you done it or getting ready to? I’m here in you need someone to talk to. If you like motivational speakers Les Brown is good and Steve O from jackass has a really good story