Hi guys support needed

Happy to be here, sober for just over two months. Struggling tonight and reaching out for support


Welcome and congratulations on 2 months sober! What’s going on for u tonight?

We are here! Whats going on?

I’m tempted to drink, my mom very ill, husband and family still drink, sometimes feel like it would help me cope. I know it will only make me feel worse, but can feel very lonely in sobriety. Looking for those who know what that loneliness feels like! Thanks for listening x


I’m in a treatment house right now away from my loved ones and recently people decided to drink i was tempted lonely and alone with my thoughts I stopped myself and I feel so good having done so they ended up going to jail and i didn’t for making that one move sometimes they ain’t always cut and dry or serious as that but every victory counts your not alone reach out we are here don’t be alone try to surround yourself with sober people or talk to us on here I definitely know how it is right now I gotta month left its hard some nights being alone but I’m plugging away at it sober because I know the alternative is not what I want because I’m me again and that I’m not willing to jeopardize being myself once again for the first time in over 20 years I’ve been lonely in prison cells and treatment and doing the right move made it bareable I’m now free sober and fighting loneliness so your not alone and it is possible!!!


Hey you arent alone in your sobriety journey but you are doing this for yourself. Lonliness is a big trigger for me too. I read around here lots! Its a bummer your significant other isnt on this journey with you but that doesnt have to be a deciding factor to drink. Drinking wont solve lonliness or illness. Please keep fighting the sober fight! Its not always easy but its always worth it


I have been at the gates of loneliness many times during my recovery. Times I thought I would not make it. I choose to do what many might not do. My Sponsor in the beginning taught me how to get on my knees in humblness and recite the Third Step Prayer over and over till the the loneliness passed Third Step prayer: Some days it took longer than others. Just know this to shall pass with each new day. You got this.

I offer myself to Thee
To build with me & to do with me as Thou wilt.
Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will.
Take away my difficulties,
That victory over them may bear witness
To those I would help of Thy Power,
Thy love & Thy way of life,
*May I do Thy will always!


Hey there…I’m sorry to hear that you’re struggling and that your mom is Ill. I went through my mother getting sick about 18 months into sobriety. Long hours in the ICU and being around family around the clock with little to no sleep really took their toll on me. A daily rice Krispy treat with my coffee became part of my “retreat” for myself. That and, when the hospital staff would switch over (and we would have to leave the floor for an hour) I would go to a local massage place and pay for 45minutes of massage. I did this almost every day.

I know that I was very lucky to be in a place to afford those things…but what I’m trying to say is that, it was really important for me to have some “me time” some non detrimental (or at least minimally detrimental) indulgences that I could partake in so that I could have something for myself. Oh that and mochi ice cream (whenever I felt like it…sometimes twice a day). Sending you lots of love today. :yellow_heart:

Pema Chodron’s “When Things Fall Apart” was also really helpful at this time💛

Thought I would add to this that: being able to be sober and present for whatever was coming up was wildly helpful in my process and in my ability to be there for my family. There was so much to deal with…facing all of it hungover would have made it that much more miserable. There is no problem that alcohol won’t make worse.


Drinking is never, ever the answer. Find a room where you can lie down. Throw on a comfort movie or tv show or even a video game. Also, you should ask the loved ones in your house hold not to drink around you.

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Welcome! Coming here is a great step towards a better life. Be active! It will help.

Great post brother. Will say a prayer for you.

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Awesome prayer