Hi! I'm new to this community

Hi everyone! My name is Erica.

I entered my last detox in 2017 (first in 2011) on my 39th birthday. That was 7 years ago this past April. After detox I attended IOP followed by a year of aftercare. I truly beleive that this support and accountability while still being able to live my life helped me stay sober when I was most vulnerable.

I started a new career, and felt great, but that only lasted so long. I was sober but I wasn’t really recovering. I hid my sobriety like I hid my bottles. It was like a dirty, shameful secret. I had no connection to people who could relate. I felt so alone. Then, one day almost 4 years sober, I decided to create an IG account. I didn’t know what to expect, but I knew I needed something. I was blown away by how many people were out there living, thriving, sharing and connecting over something that I had hidden for years. Connection is truly the opposite of addiction.

Today, I proudly recover outloud. I’m no longer ashamed of my story, but use it to help the next person.

Is it always easy? No!! I still struggle with my mental health, confidence and past experiences. I still need to practice acceptance, self-love and positive self-talk. I still work every day to do the best I can, and as long as I stay connected and honest with myself and my community, I’ll be ok.

Thank you for taking the time. I’m grateful to be here.

Erica :heart:


I agree 100%. Welcome!


Thank you for sharing this. I’m two months into my sobriety. I went hardcore and quit the life I was living. Job, routines, etc… I was a bartender for over 15 years. I just recently got back into work away from that life, buts it’s an adjustment getting back into human interaction and how I’m dealing with being invited out and talking about me. I appreciate this post and glad you’re here to share! Thank you


Thank you!


Welcome to this community and congrats on your sober time and your success. Great work! :raised_hands:


Thank you. I appreciate that.

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Hi Erica!! So glad you are here!! I hope you find even more support and friendship here at TS. It has been a great source of knowledge, comfort and community for me over the years. :star2::bouquet:

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Congratulations on 2 months. That’s a huge accomplishment. Also, leaving the life we know can be scary. I applaud you for doing what you needed to do to get and stay sober sober.

I wish you the best on your journey. It really is worth it.


Welcome Erica!! Glad to have u here :slight_smile:
I can relate to the part of ur post about hiding sobriety. For me theres parts of my story that I “hide” or feel pretty shameful about that prevents me from fully recovering in that area. I am a recovering drug addict but also a survivor of the sex trade and that area of my past, i tend to hide alot. I opened up about it on this forum a few years ago (as I was dealing with alot) and the support and love and reassurance that I received on here was breathtaking. It was the first time i felt truly supported and not judged. I guess thats my fear, is being judged for what i used to do. Bcuz i am not that person anymore. And becuz i opened up on here, its amazing how i have been able to share my experience, strength, and hope with others on here that have gone thru something similar. The connection made me feel not so alone.

I do hide my recovery currently in certain situations (like with my work). No one knows that i am a recovering addict. Im worried that people would think differently of me or that i wasnt “fit” to be in my line of work. This is turn makes me feel bad that I am not honest bcuz it makes me feel like im shaming myself for being an addict. That i have to hide a part of me.

Im glad ur here! Congratulations on ur amazing sobriety time! :smiley: hope u continue to post and share :slight_smile:


Welcome Erica! I’m so glad you’re here. Connection is key to long term sobriety and you’ll always find that here 24/7. I hope to see ya around. :blush:

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Thank you for being so open and honest with me. It’s beautiful to hear how supportive and amazing this community is.

We are not our past, but not everyone gets that. I’m sure it’s very hard to keep that part of yourself hidden. When I’ve been in certain situations where I’ve felt telling someone I’m in recovery would not be received well or I’d be faced with judgement, I know I’m doing that to protect myself and my recovery. Unfortunately, stigams and lack of awareness/knowledge about addiction keep some people from accepting those of us in recovery. That’s on them, not us. Just my thoughts.

Thank you for being so welcoming. Congratulations on your recovery.


Thank you. Everyone has been so welcoming.

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Thank you! :hugs:
Community has been a lifesaver.


Super stoked you’re here. Very nice to meet you! Congrats on your sobriety. I’m a little over two years and I love it. :slight_smile:

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Thank you. I’m happy to be here. Congratulations on 2 years sober. :raised_hands::raised_hands:


Welcome here. You will found here extraordinary people

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Hello Erica! Welcome to our community! It is nice to have you here!


Thank you. It’s already been great.

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Thanks! I’m glad to be here. :blush:

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