Hi newbie here please say hi n advise me

I keep trying to get sober but have traumatic stress I rarely leave my home was in hospital today n yesterday getting x-ray bloods I’d vomited that bad I was bleeding from my stomach I don’t want sympathy I just need advice on reducing safely as possible because I’m getting too old n tired for waking up in pain shaking frightened I’ve done a year sober but quite difficult life experiences keep knocking me back I try hard Ive been waiting 3 years for therapy they want me completely stable with out any talking therapies to get therapy I wouldn’t drink if they actually helped me sorry :neutral_face: I’m going on a bit here but if you guys could help me on best way to.reduce ah would be really grateful


hi Nell

This is a great community to get encouragement and support.

I’m no expert, but it seems you may need or want medical support to stop drinking.

I hope you can tell your doctor what is happening and how you feel.

The first steps are the hardest ones. You deserve to feel safe and be healthy. Please ask your doctor for help. You are on my mind.

Hi Nell. :people_hugging: Are you still in the hospital? Sounds like medical detox might be safest. I highly recommend it.
Do you like to read or maybe listen to books? Try Allen Carr’s Easy Way for Women to Quit Drinking, and Holly Whitakers, Quit Like a Woman. They helped me save my life.
Sending you so much love! You can do this! XO

Hi Nell! I’m so glad you joined this community! How are you doing today?

Has the doctor determined the cause of the blood
Being sober, i think, will help alleviate those symptoms.
Being sober helped me get healthy
Use the tools that helped you for that year
Do your best to stay strong
This to shall pass

We are glad you’re here. Please see an MD.

I can say hi, but unfortunately I can’t advise you since I’m back on day 1. But welcome

Hi Nell!

I am sober from alcohol today. Today is day one. I am scared. But I am here. We are here. You are not alone. I don’t have much advice but I wanted to remind you… if we’re here on this app, I would say we’re making steps in the right direction. We have chosen to hold ourselves accountable & that is something that gets the ball rolling. I am rooting for you! We are seen. We are heard. We are loved.