Hit 7 Days No Drinking…and lost it all

I hit 7 days of sobriety today and my entire world came crashing down on me…literally. My house caught on fire due to electrical issues around 5:30 this morning. By the time I woke up around 5:50, all I had time to do was grab my dogs and haul ass out of the house. I lost almost everything. I have a few clothes, a desk, a bed frame and my computer. I had a fully furnished 3 bed, 2 bath house for perspective. I made it through the day without drinking, but I worry about how this will affect my sobriety in the coming days. As soon as I’m trying to do right everything seems to fall apart :broken_heart:

Any words of encouragement or advice on how to get through hard times sober will be greatly appreciated…


This is terrible but I found in sobriety that certain things would happen which would test the strength of that sobriety only to find out the only reason I got through it was bc I was sober in the first place. 7 days is great but still a very vulnerable time. Once you’ve rebuilt yourself and your life back from this I very much doubt anything else will ever faze you again. This really is a fresh start for you and although it’s not how you saw it going you are safe… God/life has a plan for you.


Im so sorry this happened its terrible but honestly i seriously think you need to look at this like youve been incredibly lucky that you and your dogs got out…everything else can be replaced but you and the dogs cant!! I think something was watching over you here. Love and hugs :heart: :people_hugging: we are here for you


Omg! :sweat: That’s aweful! But I’m so glad you came out safe! You are lucky to be alive!
I understand the thought of drinking, the mind slips in the old ways in time of distress and for 100% in the beginning of sobriaty.
But drinking wouldn’t make things better. It won’t fix your house ore make you happy! It will only make things worse.
Find the strenght to put your back straight and push trough life.
We are all here for you lady! :heavy_heart_exclamation: So please use us as place to vent and get some sober energy from.
A wanna give you a big hug :people_hugging: I know it isn’t much.


I’m glad you and your dogs are safe. What a terrible experience.
Stay strong, tomorrow you will always be grateful when today you stays sober. Drinking will make the situation a lot worse and rob you off your ability to deal clearminded and focused with all what’s coming up. Houses can be rebuilt, things replaced. Sending hugs, kindness and calmness, also virtual pets to your dogs.
Keep us posted here, we are there for you. Writing things down helps, not only concerning sobriety. Praying for you :people_hugging:


that’s really awful and I am sorry. this will be hard to go through and stressful to replace and start afresh.

you have your life and your health and your dogs lives and healths. that’s all I can say but it’s everything at the same time.

staying sober through this time you willl learn a LOT about recovery, sobriety, yourself and how to do life. you will grow A LOT. this in an opportunity for that. don’t throw it away on top of what you have already lost.

much love and strenght!



Ohhhh my goodness! How terrifying and awful. I am sooooo sorry.
Thank goodness you had stopped drinking. Had you not who knows if you would have made it out.
Be proud of yourself for getting you and your dog out and the other little bit that you did.
Your life will get back together with time and with help.
Drinking will just take you down.
I’m so sorry but very grateful you are alive.
Two people I didn’t personally know but who were lifelong friends with many of my friends died with their son in a house fire about two weeks ago.


I am just reading this now. I’m so so sorry that you’re having to go through this. One thing I know for sure is that drinking will make this a million times worse. It won’t help at all. Please stay strong, you’re in my prayers x :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Oh my goodness @TN2KY im so sorry youre experiencing this! How are you doing now?


Oh my, that is terrible Makaila!

Thank goodness you found sobriety when you did. I always worried about being passed out drunk and something like that happening would I have just slept through??

I am very happy to hear you and your furry friends made it out, that’s what counts at the end of the day. Hopefully you have some good friends and or family to lean on and know that being sober through this will help you make much clearer decisions and help you get through this as quickly as possible.

You are in my thoughts and I wish you the best through this traumatic time and hope whenever you find a free second you keep us updated as to your progress.

Best wishes :heart::hugs:


Makaila, I’m sorry you lost your house, but as others already said, you and your dogs could also have been lost. Thankfully, you are still alive, and recovering from this horrific experience will be tough. I hope you all have a safe place to stay for now. Please let us know how you’re doing when you can, and draw some strength from knowing you are dedicated to being sober. Sending you strength and love.:heart:


I am so glad you and your dogs are okay. That is so scary. I hope the Red Cross, your church, insurance and/or the fire department has been helping you navigate. I know you are strong and that is a big plus. Drinking or using definitely won’t change what happened nor will it help you feel better. Hard times do come, no matter what and this is when we can dig deep and lean on our skills and lean into here or any meetings you may go to. Please don’t drink at this. You will be so proud getting thru this sober, so so proud. :people_hugging::heart: This is a traumatic event, no lie, maybe there is some counseling available to you or a trusted friend or family member you can talk with? Just to get it out. Idk. I am so glad you are alive and safe. One of my best girlfriends lost her home to fire and I know it is a lot. Sending you much love and strength. I hope you can get some rest. :heart:


This is devastating! I lost my house to a fire too, so I can relate. We only had the clothes on our backs and spent the next year living in a hotel. I can promise you, drinking will only make matters worse. Your future self will thank you for having a clear mind to deal with insurance and rebuilding. Lean on this communiy and in person support. It’s not gonna be easy but you will get through this. Sending you hugs :people_hugging:


Thank you thank you thank you. You guys words of encouragement mean so much to a grieving girl right now. I’m proud to report that I’m 8.5 days sober!! Honestly, things have been too overwhelming to even think of drinking. I’m grateful to secure temporary housing today, my dogs are ok, had a session with my therapist who does wonders for my mental health, and took some steps towards working through the logistics of recovery.

I did go back home and boy oh boy did it break my heart. The damage was so much more extensive than I thought. Attaching pictures for those curious (I know I would be :joy:). The thought of what I loss, starting over and having to replace so many things is too much to think about right now. ODAAT


I’m so sorry, but I’m so glad you and your pets are okay. Unfortunately things could always be worse. We’re always gonna be tested, whether we’re hammered or sober. But you’re gonna be able to get through it clear headed. It’ll all work out, stay strong :v:


Oh my goodness, I thought the same thing and was so grateful that I hadn’t been drinking! The fire dept said if I had slept 5 minutes longer the fire would have trapped me in my room. :sob::sob:


So greatful you and the pups made it out safely and you are sober!


Hey Makaila, So glad you and your fur babies are safe and in temporary housing. More importantly, your sobriety is still in tact. Really proud of you! Keep your connection here so we can continue to support you. These next few months are going to test your sobriety and patience to the limits. Scream and cry if needed but no matter what don’t pick up. My inbox is always open if you need some extra support from someone who’s been there.

Not sure if you’re in the US but be on the alert for scammers. They prey on victims. I had so many people and companies show up at my house or call me saying they were affiliated with my insurance company, trying to get me to sign contracts stating they would oversee the rebuild, clean out my house and salvage what they could. Be very aware of anyone offering services. They’re all out to get money. I swear these people listen to fire and police scanners because they showed up before the fire dept left and I hadn’t even called my insurance yet. Again, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or even if it’s just to vent.

Sending you lots of love, inspiration and hope.


:cry: I hope your rebuilding isn’t too stressful and know that I am thinking and wishing for an uncomplicated process.
Be well :heart::pray:


So proud of you!! Really good advice from Lisa too about scammers and leaning into here and your therapist. Glad you have some temp housing. Sending strength and care. :people_hugging::heart::people_hugging: