Hit a wall - climbing over

As I’m writing this I am 115 days sober from alcohol which feels good and right and I’m proud and grateful to be here. A lot has transformed beautifully and I’m in a much better place overall. But I am hitting a new wall, because I have not been completely sober - I’ve been smoking weed and cigarettes. Now I know it’s time to clean that up too.

I want to cut the smokes because they are both seriously draining my energy, and in order for me to accomplish the goals I have as a mother and artist, I must be clean and clear. The smokes are negatively distorting my perception of reality just like alcohol did. I want to create my dreams much more than I want to remain stagnated by these drugs.

Trust I stay busy facing the bitter fears that keep me wanting to distract or escape. These fears have penetrated me as deeply as I’ve been hurt, but far deeper is the spirit that says I am here for life. This is a known fact to me, and it feels securing to declare it here too because it validates the vital importance of this knowing. It’s time for me to be fully substance-free. :dancer:t4:


That’s awesome :slight_smile: I’ve found myself trying to manipulate my feelings with food. It’s a definite sign something is out of whack. Our emotions and physical state drive our behavior so much.


I’m proud of your honesty and your courage, and don’t doubt that you can face these as you have alcohol.
We’re here, as you are too, and there’s no time better than now, hey friend?
Can’t wait to hear what sweet music this makes for you (and by you), and for more pics of those 2 precious lives saved. :pray: :wink:

Onward, friend! :orange_heart:


@Apotheosis @M-be-free49 thank you guys so much for your replies, it really makes a difference :smiling_face::sparkling_heart:


So glad to read it’s your time to be totally substance free Julia! Wishing you all success and know you got us all to lean on. Let’s do this! :+1:t2::people_hugging::two_hearts::kissing_heart::muscle:t2:

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I am in the same boat as you, sis, but mine is reversed. I had been addicted to smoking weed for years, got off of it 52 days ago, but started compensating with alcohol again (I got off alcohol again after my second relapse in 2016). My goal is, like you, to be completely substance free! But not many people understand that when I try to tell them about my journey. So thank you for sharing; it is so inspiring to know that there are people out there that are striving for a totally substance free life too! Seriously, thank you!

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@Catpowell i am so glad that my sharing was inspiring for you!! and congrats on the 50+ days off weed after years, that’s amazing. substance free completely - yes we can do this and we know it :muscle:t4:

I love this Julia! It has been an honor being on this journey with you and seeing you flourish as you kick alcohol’s ass… looking forward to supporting you on becoming completely substance-free — I do know you are strong enough to do this! Keep it going :muscle: :people_hugging:

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thank you so much for your unwavering presence and support, you’ve helped me and many others so much and we appreciate you!! :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

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appreciate you too love – thank you for your sweet words … we are a great team of badasses here – lets keep kicking some serious addiction ass together!

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