Hobbies, Work/School, or Entertainment - What are you doing today to stay busy? Feel free to share pictures or a message

I do alot of self-help apps on my phone. I study virtues that help refine character, and i have cool bible study app that helps you memorize scripture​:v::blush:

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Hi I’m new and I have 27 days sober I got a job on Monday and I am over the moon about it it’s something I’ve always wanted to do and it helps me stay sober I also like going kayaking being out on the water is a nice way to clear my mind


@Juli1 HAHA whoops :rofl::rofl:

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@Smokescreen I study my Bible all the time !!! That’s whatsup. I got a few favourite verses I love.

@Tasha3 hey welcome !!!
I hope the job works out and everything is working in your favour. Congratulations on pretty much one month of sobriety. Must feel great ! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve been kayaking before (when I was intoxicated :sweat_smile:)
It was still fun from what I remember.

Good for you for getting back to learning! I can feel the joy in your post. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank-you @SassyRocks

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Hey drew! I like you. Your cool too! It rhymes lol

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Haha thank you :call_me_hand: @Smokescreen

That is so great! I feel like people don’t realize how valuable the trades are in our world. Good luck with your studies!

I have also been studying a bit, a lot of people I work with speak Spanish. I took three years of Spanish but feel like I’ve lost some of it so I’ve been doing daily Duolingo practice. I also cooked pasta and breadsticks for dinner today. Unfortunately our power went out from 5 - 11 (yuck! It’s hot here) but my kindle was charged so I read my book and fell asleep for a few hours. :slight_smile:

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Yes so true, I hope it all pays off .
I was a cook for a long time, but honestly it was a tough industry and I was underpaid a lot .

The trades sound so much more promising, and there’s a lot of unions involved which can help you prepare for your future / retirement.

Learning new languages is fun.
I know a tiny bit of Spanish and Portuguese.

Ouh sounds nice except for the power outage part. We had a crazy storm in my area today but no power outages (thank goodness).

It’s always so nice to have a good read before sleeping :sleeping: I find it really relaxes the mind before heading to dreamland. :yawning_face:

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I like to collect movies/sport memorabilia but I’ve decided to buy models of sport and movie things instead as I needed to find myself a new hobby plus there a sense of accomplishment once you’ve finished and put them into your display case :slightly_smiling_face:

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@anon15828629 that’s cool!

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