Hobbies, Work/School, or Entertainment - What are you doing today to stay busy? Feel free to share pictures or a message

Usually I’ve come onto this app to vent or talk about my drinking issues , but today I’m starting off more fresh as I’m back on day 6 after my last bad relapse.

I used to always struggle with math when I was growing up, but looking back in highschool and even fresh man years I was constantly stoned and drinking (no kidding).

Well I just finished a pre apprenticeship program that’s supposed to help me make my way towards the trades field if I play the right cards. I’ve been studying math nonstop as I’ve been detoxing and it’s been helping with my cravings … And oddly enough I’m starting to really enjoy math now inna sober mind.
It’s crazy all the things I gave up and potentially almost ruined because of substance abuse. This is stuff I should’ve been learning around age 14 and here I am learning it at 28!!??

But it’s so fun and I’m really having the time of my life studying and rebuilding all this knowledge and education for my brain, it’s almost like giving me a natural high. :nerd_face::sunglasses:

I’m starting to actually love math !!! It’s kinda cool how you see how differently your brain functions and enjoys different things when you actually take the time to be sober .

Here’s a picture of my current “work station” I’m currently learning how to add, multiply, & divide fractions, and how to convert them into decimals.
(Yes that’s a cartoon version of me on my mug)


Ooooh, I love a good nerd conversation! I am totally into history and heritage. My current interest (hear me out) is churchyards. I find them fascinating for their history, architecture, but also the rich biodiversity within them. One of those things I had no idea I was interested in before, and now love reading up on it.


Oh and massive well done on your progress, both in sobriety and work!


History is a great subject. I love historical structures and objects. I have my great great grandparents clock from about the earliest of the 1900s sitting in my room . I also have my great grandfathers flashlight, and binoculars as well.


I love that because it is history, but also a connection to your personal history.


Haha so true @JennyH .

They have some pretty cool pioneer villages where I live , so those are awesome but sadly a lot of our historical buildings have gotten burnt down or torn down so when I want to see more historical things I usually need to leave my city.

Reading about history is amazing though, especially when you see how people used to live .

I have to look more into church yards topic . I know when my friends have gone to certain parts of Europe or England there’s a lot of history behind churchyards over there.


Yes I am very lucky where I live that there is so much history. The city that I work in is pre-Roman so loads there. I would love to see a pioneer village though!


There’s a lot of pioneer villages around me still well kept and maintained.

You can look them up if you’re interested.

Black Creek pioneer Village and Thompson Park pioneer village. Two of my favourites. I love the smell of the inside of those places. It’s very distinct.


I will look those up later, love a good rabbit hole to go down.

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Sounds like you’re doing great friend. I’m trying to keep a schedule myself. My addiction allowed me to lose track of time. Getting a planner, making a schedule, & sticking to it helps me feel accomplished and thereby motivates me. Congratulations on the apprenticeship. I would like to go to culinary school. And, congratulations on finding a way to help curve the cravings. One day at a time, progress not perfection.


I was a cook for a long time it a fun field but it can be high stress. Im not for sure going into construction yet @Michael.avila but I’m seeing where this takes me.

Culinary is such an important skill to learn even if it’s just for survival , opening your own business, or working somewhere. I think culinary is a field everyone should learn at one point.

Also I personally use a lot of alarms and have my calender sitting beside me everyday . Took me a while to readjust to my schedule as well. When I was constantly intoxicated everyday I honestly had no track of time or days. Even on my first two days of detox it felt like a week and I sat down and realized it was only two bloody days. :rofl:

Best luck to you, try small steps like buying a calendar from the dollar store. I also have a white board that I hang beside my bed, so I write stuff down I generally forget about during the day so when I go back into my room any time of the day it’s there to remind me until I erase it.


My work keeps me busy
I need to step up to the plate though
Real life can be tough. I refuse to leave early again. I’m not only letting myself down, I’m letting down my family when this happens and I’m sure some co workers

I have today and tomorrow off then back at full time on Friday


If your getting in to a trade and fancy carpentry all your maths studying will come in incredibly handy and it’s an amazingly rewarding thing to do, I was lucky to have it to fall back on when I finally got clean.
Regarding hobbies I’ve gotten deeply in to carp fishing(I know they are classed as an invasive species there) and the sense of peace and serenity from it is outstanding. I will try to post a photo. Congrats on finding recovery. :+1::grinning:



I have been binging anime (im an entertainment geek) and movies. They help me by getting my brain immersed in what I am watching and helps my mind not think too much about other things. :man_shrugging:


Main hobby, training , meditation and entertainment in one. :blue_heart:


@Tafkap thanks for the words of encouragement, I’m hoping it all works out and honestly . Btw I love the fishing photo…I’m born and raised a city boy since day one, I’ve been fishing once when I was 13… never again. I hope to get more into something like fishing the older I get. Enjoy your hobby and may the best be with you !

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@SpicyLuis That’s whatsup man !
I’m more of a gamer , when I need to wind down before bed I’ll play a couple hours of Diablo II currently.

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@Juli1 I love to swim but I did have a bad drowning experience as a teenager. I don’t usually swim in lakes, but I’ll swim in public pools in the more shallow end…however I still enjoy it ! I can go for hours but I usually just swim on my back most the time :rofl: but when I get into the flow it feels like I’m in my own world.
You seem to be really good at swimming, keep it up !

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I am… But its not me in the video :rofl:
I love to motivate me by inspiring videos and technic skills by “my swim pro” and Fares Ksrbati.


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