I just found out my aunt died yesterday. I am grieving and feel a whole mess of emotions. I am beating myself up because the last time I spoke to my auntie, she was trying to get me sober and I was not having it. High on meth, I snapped and said “quit trying to shove the 12-steps down my throat!” and hung up on her. After getting sober, I could never muster the nerve to reach back out to her to let her know I got sober, in part because of the shame I felt in how I treated her and also in part, that I am now sober because of the 12-steps. How utterly maddening ego is! We could have been sharing our sobriety together but instead, I hid behind my pride in having to admit that she was absolutely right, AA and NA would help me get and stay sober. Because it is. I am beating myself up right now. I am angry with myself. I am ashamed. I’ll never get that opportunity to make direct amends to my aunt now. I am devastatedly apologetic. But, the lesson I can take from this situation is this: I can put my ego aside everyday, to the best of my ability, moving forward. I can commit to living authentically and with accountability - promptly admitting when I am wrong and choosing love instead of pride. I know my aunt would be happy that I got sober and I can honor her legacy by continuing to stay not only sober, but to live with honesty and humility. My amends may not be direct but I have the opportunity to humble myself and live my amends, everyday, one day at a time. Let my mistakes serve as a lesson to anyone reading this: your ego is not worth nurturing at the expense of any relationship, I promise you. Life is fragile and life is not guaranteed. Say you’re sorry, admit your wrongs, and and live life fully, humbly, and authentically. I love you auntie, I dedicate this day of sobriety to you.
I am so sorry that your auntie died. You have written a beautiful piece, honoring her legacy. Keep those thoughts close to your heart as you grieve your grief.
At first I’m sorry about the loss of your dear aunt
This app is filled with people with regrets and sorrow and some of them have to ability to look at it and turn it around to become their fuel.
Their fuel to stay sober with.
I think you are one of them.
And by that you are honoring your aunt ànd yourself
I am so very sorry for your loss of your Auntie. Your heart is heavy with regret but the words you penned are true and beautiful. Staying sober today is exactly what she wants for you. Dedicating this day of your sobriety to her is her cherry on top! Nicely done, my friend. Now go be sober and make her proud🩷
Absolutely. She would be proud of you. There’s so much we can’t control, but we do have our choices today, and this is your choice - and it is a helpful choice, and it honours her.
I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad you are here. May you find peace and comfort.
You have a pure soul. Sorry for the loss of your auntie. Shes knows how well your doing and will be with you while your living your authentic self peace and love xx
I am so very sorry for your loss.
I am certain this would make your aunt very happy and proud
Welcome to the community. Looking forward to having you here with us.