Hope its not too late


Im already 40 years old, wasted my life on drinking.

I just want to be sober and find a new life, even if the reality is depressing as hell

Any support appreciated!



It’s never too late!! Welcome on board! :blush::muscle:t2:


Welcome to this wonderful app. It is never ever too late to have hope and to start fighting for your own sobriety. I’m 40 years old and know deep down that I have a problem probably 10 years ago already and only last year I really took it dead serious. I was on and off sobriety since around 5 years… But I never lost hope and didn’t matter how often I fell I came back to this app and never stopped fighting. You are worth having a sober life. We are all worth it. Get active, read a lot on this app, what ultimately helps me to stay sober is AA. AA is my main tool, meetings, sponsor, step work and logging in here is another tool. Welcome again and don’t ever ever lose hope :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Maybe try ameeting as suggested might help ,helped me stay sober wish you well


Each day sober brings new life … no matter what the age. Start one day at a time and come back here and let us know if you find that to be true as well. Welcome to the community!


Welcome!! I was in my 50s when I stopped, in my 60s now and it was the best choice I ever made. Don’t give up, there is plenty of life left to live after your 40s!!!


Thank you for your kind words.

It feels like the main problem that life feels meaningless.

I try to cure that with spirituality, and maybe 12 steps


I hear ya, I feel the same that life is meaningless. I’m 45 and I feel like I have wasted my life with addictions. But I’m dreaming of getting back to the university where I had to drop out because of my mental health problems and addictions. But it’s never too late. For me the sobriety and recovery is now top priority and everything else will come later. Just stay sober and you got this!


Yepper! I was almost 55 when I started what brought my longest sober time. Today I am just past 13 months and have been working at or around it for years.

Today appreciate your good choice and find out what will help you make it happen! Purpose for yourself matters!


Never too late! I hit 40 in a couple of months…I decided that I wanted to aim to start my 40’s positively, and heading towards a better me!
I have done this a few times now, but it feels more natural now…so here goes!
Maybe we could have a 40’s group! When we struggle, we can reminisce about the shite music and questionable fashion choices we made! Haha :joy: x


As long as we can stop before irreparable organ harm is done, it doesn’t matter what age we are. Clean living a day at a time beats drinking away the final days.

If we had cancer, we would probably look for a respite or cure and try to postpone further complications rather than following the disease to its inevitable end.

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It’s not too late…you might feel you missed stuff and you have but don’t let that hold you back. You can’t change the past, only the future.


I also feel like I’ve wasted allot of my life, particularly on the friendship and relationship side of things because I spent so long prioritizing alcohol over everything and everyone. I also feel life is a bit meaningless too. I look around at my friends getting married, having children, moving away, buying houses with partners, having full and busy social and family lives, and I don’t really have any of that. It sucks. And I do think alcohol has a big part to play in that for me. I am in my mid thirties and I feel like there’s a lot that I just can’t get back, and that makes me really sad. But all I can do is try to change things from here & hope that the next chapter can be more meaningful and fulfilling than this first one has ended up being! It’s not too late, but if we don’t change our drinking nothing else will ever change! :pray:t2:


Its never too late, i was 42 when i got sober…im 45 in May this year…getting sober is one of the best decisions ive ever made…i am now the happiest ive been in my adult life.


Welcome. How are you today?

It is never too late. I’ll share a little - I’m 45 and after relapse, I’m committed to my sobriety. It’s early days, but I’m here. I can’t change what I’ve done, or get back the time I’ve wasted, but I can change the future. So can you. Carrying on drinking will take years off my life, and that’s not a thought I can bear with kids that need me. I’m taking my sobriety into my own hands before a doctor tells me if I don’t stop, I’ll die. I want this choice to be mine, not given an ultimatum.

My husband and I bought a home (after a long battle to close!), with couple of acres on it. The whole point of it was to grow our food, and this coming spring will be our first here. I can’t achieve what I want to with the land if I spend my nights drunk and my days trying to recover from it.

The reality doesn’t have to be depressing. 40 isn’t old, there’s still so much you can do with your life. Use the free time you’re getting back to take care of your mind and body, and start making some new plans :slightly_smiling_face:

I wish you the best, look forward now, not back :people_hugging: