Hopeless and scared less than 1 hour sober

None of my friends or family know about my crack addiction so I don’t have any support. I have to stop. I’m out of money and loan options. Haven’t paid rent. Sleep pattern completely off. My mental status is horrible. My eating habits are irregular. I need help.


Tough spot to be in.
However, you do have support if you choose to let family and friends in on your struggle.
You don’t need to do this alone. Almost none of us could.
Build as big a support network as you can.
This may mean making yourself vulnerable.

Go well.


I was junky long time à go
Now I’m here for little addiction
My bicycle :biking_man: save my life back there
Focus on little things you love

find a place where you can rest

and learn to forget your mistakes

there are plenty of beautiful things on earth to experience other than drugs
Take care


Hi :raising_hand_woman:
Welcome to the community.
I know it can feel scary and lonely at first when we realise the hole we have dug ourselves.
But you are here wanting to change, start your day1, get to meetings face to face or online.
Keep reading around here there are many going through the same experience as you.
I know it’s hard to open up and speak how bad things have got, but we have all experienced similar so your not alone, and you dont have to do this alone.
I’m glad your here with us, keep reaching out and read around the site, there is alot to keep reading to keep your mind busy of others who have been where you are and what helped them.
Please come here and tell us how your feeling, the good and the bad so we can support you.
You can regain control of your life again, you want it that’s why your here.
Your asking for help that’s good.
Make today your day1


hσpєlєѕѕ í knσw єхαctlч whαt чσu αrє gσíng thrσugh . í cαn tєll чσu thαt чσu cαn dєfєαt чσur αddíctíσn wíth α lσt σf hσpє , prαчєr αnd mєєtíngѕ αnd α ѕpσnѕσr . í pєrѕσnαllч hαvє α tєѕtímσnч σf dєlívєrαncє frσm ѕmσkíng crαck. thєrє’ѕ ѕσ much í’d líkє tσ ѕhαrє wíth чσu αвσut thє ѕtrugglє αnd єncσurαgє чσu tσ knσw чσu wσn’t αlwαчѕ fєєl lσѕt αnd fαílíng. rєplч tσ mє íf чσu’d líkє - plєαѕє ѕtαч pσѕítívє - gєt up whєn чσu fαll αlwαчѕ- αnd nєvєr ѕtσp trчíng .:wave:t4::v:t4::butterfly:

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Welcome! I feel ur pain and hopelessness. I too was once there. My last DOC for the past 7 years was crack cocaine. I currently am paying off alot of debt from banks and loans etc and have had to pull myself out financially and get back on track with bills and getting things out of the pawnshop. It IS possible!!! It may not seem like that right now but the only way things will change is to stop using drugs. Nothing gets better if we use. The first week was hard but it has gotten easier overtime. I am currently at 125 days clean and sober. I did the need support tho and still do need it. There are online mtgs and in person also. Get rid of those numbers and anything in ur home that can make it easier to use. It truly is important to change our environments so that it is difficult to pick up. And definitely come on here 1st before u pick up so that we can all helpA