How alcohol affects resting heart rate

For anyone who’s interested… My resting heartrate has gone down almost 10 beats per minute on this 17 day streak of no drinking. As I’ve worked on staying sober, this is one of the things I’ve noticed immediately after stopping daily consumption. Even 1 night of drinking will make my resting heart rate go up at least a 3-4 beats per minute. Alcohol is not good for the body… And this is a great reminder!


I did not know alcohol effected the Hart in this way.
Thank you for the information
Alcohol is poison this is why we feel drunk when drinking.

Thanks for sharing this!
It’s very unfortunate that all the ways alcohol ruins your body aren’t common knowledge. I’ve come to believe this information is purposely suppressed. I was horrified to find out all the things alcohol affects when I started to research the topic.
There literally isn’t a single part of the body left untouched.
The most upsetting fact to me was this:


Definitely another reason to not drink again.


One of thousands :blush:


Haha yes xp supposed to be getting around 15cm of snow today :frowning: lol

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I’ve noticed this too. Hopefully so will by doctor when I go for my annual physical next month.

I once recorded a pulse of 39 bpm back in 2013. This was also the year I rode my bike 4600 miles and was training like a mad man. I was also consuming around 30 beers per weekend. My pulse is now around 46-47 and I’m 5 months sober. But I also do intermittent fasting and I’ve noticed my pulse increases dramatically right after a meal. I do more weight training now and less high intensity cardio so I contribute the difference in resting rate to that. Alcohol didn’t seem to affect me too much it seems.

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I hated the elevated heart rate I got from alcohol. It would especially hit me in the middle of the night about 3 hours after stopping drinking. Ugh.


Alcohol always raised my heart rate when it was wearing off and during my work day. When I came home and started drinking it lowered. It gave me high blood pressure. After about 2 months of not drinking my blood pressure will go back to normal.

I noticed the same thing! In really bad withdrawal(because come on that’s what it is, not a hangover) I would wake up at 2 am and heart would be racing over a hundred beats per minute. Scared the shit outta me. No my resting heart rate is back down to as low as 58 per night. It’s awesome.

My heart rate has gone down from 81 to 74 beats per min. And that’s just from 2 nights without drinking… crazy.

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Try doing your blood pressure…mine was 165 over 90! I was joining a gym and had a precheck before joining, they nearly sent me off to the Dr. So luckily it dropped to 160 during the test so I could join. If I’d not gone to the gym I would have had no clue!!! The next day I took my own pressure and it was 120 over 80 - normal! I also took it during drinking a few days later…through the roof again. This was a real eye opener and a shocker!


My blood pressure is always significantly hirer during drinking. Usually starts to come back down after about two weeks sober. @DBrush

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Yeah took up to 3 days for me but went up to ridiculous levels immediately when drinking! The silent killer!

My vitamin B levels dropped due to alcohol, back to normal now.

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I take a b complex for stress, magnesium and vitamin c. I have seen lots of studies of diminished b in alcoholics and how supplementing may help your brain waves.

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