How are you rebuilding yourself/life?

What are you doing to become the person you want to be? Are you working out, cooking more, spending more time with your babes, etc.
Who is the real you?

Since I’ve stopped drinking, I’ve taken steps to combat my depression. I’ve been on antidepressants the last couple months and think I’ll be ready to come off them soon. I’ve gone back to college, started a new job I like, I’ve started reading books again, I’ve been exercising more and am finally learning how to drive. Making the choice to stay sober is the best thing I’ve ever done.:smile:


How old are you if you don’t mind me asking?

AA meetings went on day one as I had to try something different.
This forum - day two - I checked in here so often. Thanks to all my friends on here for supporting me.
Found a sponsor
Worked AA 12 step program - still work it and need to keep practicing.
Exercise - not as regular as I’d like as busy now with the next two things.
New job
New home
Yoga - recently started this.
Still attending my AA meeting, almost six months in and I’ve made some friends who are wonderful people. I’m not pushing AA it’s everyone’s own choice and please note everyone interprets AA differently so I don’t want to start a debate.

All pretty much in that order. Life has transformed and by all accounts it’s really good, still really tough at times but I’m equipped better now and I have learned to take things as they come.

Right now I’m accepting myself for what each day brings. If I’m tired I nap. Lots of cleaning and organizing of my home which feels amazing! And falling into a nice little routine. I’m on day 11, when I hit my two wk mark I am going to tackle the gym :grinning:

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