How do I check in daily

Good. Stay strong

How are you Locky?

Did you get through Saturday OK?

All good elaine another day down nearly bedtime yesterday (Saturday) was a hard day to put down but I did in much better form today and starting back at the gym 2mrw…how are things going with you

Struggled on Thursday but got through the rest of weekend.
Exercising definitely helps.

Good to hear. Ya it does anything that keeps the head busy helps me anyway I do think this week will be alot tougher the 2nd week always seems to be that be harder :see_no_evil:


You doing okay?

Yes thank you for checking in on me. Was at a hen do last night which I was dreading but got through it much easier than I thought.
And when it got to the point people were so drunk they were telling the same story 2/3 times I was glad I wasn’t one of them and was happy to leave :sweat_smile: and woke up feeling good about myself this morning.

How are you doing?

I can relate to this.

I’m good. It is entertaining to be around inebriated peeps while you’re sober.

How are you doing Locky

How are you doing ?

How are you doing Locky?

How are you doing?

I want to check in daily So that I’m held accountable I am 65 days Drug free. I am in recovery because I overdosed and had a had a bad reaction to the methamphetamine I was using. I never want to go back to museum again so I am trying to do everything and anything to keep myself from doing that.Thank you so much for allowing me to join this Forum

I meant to say I never want to go back to drugs.

Welcome to the forum! There’s lots of ways to check in, but a good place to start is on this thread:

Hope to see you around!

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Hello I am 66 days drug free today. Praise the Lord!

As previously stated, there is a different check in thread being used by the entire community.
Checking in daily to maintain focus #38

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