How do I curb my cravings?

I need some advice, I wake up every day with the intentions of staying sober that day. Every day I fail. How am I ever going to kick this habit if I can’t even get through 1 full day without drinking? I feel so defeated. I feel like a failure.


You need support. It is helpful to check in here - the old expression “never crave alone” is helpful. If you reach out you can find support and someone to hold your hand through the craving.

Online alcohol recovery groups are a good space as well. Join a meeting and it will help you feel less alone. There are meetings online virtually 24 hrs a day. Go to three meetings a day if you want to. It’s better than drinking:
Online meeting resources

Never crave alone. You are not alone; many other people have walked this road before you. Reach out for support.


You are definitely not a failure you are just experiencing what all of us experienced in the beginning, just hit the reset button.
Learn your triggers I even wrote mine down and then next to it I put what I was going to do when it happened,I called them my defenses, and I still employ them today.


Almost six days ago I felt defeated and like a failure. I spent the entire last year, after my last attempt to get sober, drunk every day. I woke up wanting it. Many times, even at 6am, before work, I would do a nip or two, sometimes worse. But a little over five days ago I was able to stop. I feel a lot better. I have more energy to do the things I need to do and like to do. My stomach doesn’t hurt!!! I’m thinking a little more clearly and definitely remembering a lot more. I joined a gym. That has helped a lot. For cravings, it will likely be sugar for a little bit. Till you get past day one. Then no food is off limits cause you’re gonna be real hungry. Give into any food craving and keep snacking. Fruits, nuts, take some vitamins. Drink lots of water and juice. Getting through the first day was always the hardest for me, but once I get through day one day two three, I don’t want to lose the time I’ve achieved so far to go back to the way I was and the way I felt. We can get through this. Think of all the things we will be able to do when we’re not wasting our time and money on our addiction.

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Hang tough… like me you may have to reach out to an on line rehab. program… it’s so helpful to hear others and what they do… you feel so less alone … so less a failure… I participate in small group… larger group… and individual sessions… they are now my crutch instead of vodka… hang tough Mia you’ll get this! and be living your best life :purple_heart::grinning::sunny:

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Post when you get cravings, “talking” about it helps work through it. Go for a walk, workout, take a bath, read a book, call a friend, volunteer, play a game, bake, journal etc etc etc


welcome to the community, use us now you have found your way here, OK you can’t get past a day yet but your obviously getting more and more desperate bc you are looking at apps to help. Keep adding knowledge and experience to your sober tool box and never stop trying, no one knows the day when we wake up and think enough is enough, it’s suddenly not so difficult when you really want it and are prepared to do anything to get it.

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Thank you so much! I’m totally going to check a meeting out! Thank you for sending me the link!

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That’s such a great idea! Thank you I’m going to do this. I really appreciate the support. My family doesn’t know I have an issue so it’s nice to actually get real advice from people!

Thank you! It’s true, my friends & family don’t know I have an issue & it seems like such a big thing to try to accomplish alone. I already feel better since I originally posted just knowing there’s real other people out there that are feeling the same way I am.

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@Mia81 This. 100% this. You’re allowed to eat or drink whatever food or non alcoholic drink you want. Take vitamins & drink lots of water, juice, etc. You will gain some weight. Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter. You will crave the sweets or other cravings, to replace the sugar and carbs you used to get from the boozy drinks.

Eventually you’ll settle into a more stable diet. Give it time. If you’re looking for inspiration check out our foodies thread!
Foodies Unite #2

So so so many delicious dishes there :yum:

Take care Mia and never stop trying, never stop picking yourself up and taking life one step at a time. You’re a good person who deserves a safe, sober life where she can be her full self.

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