How do I delete my account?

One last thing… not saying your and my journeys are or will be the same, but i left TS too, at one point - had my account deleted and all, and 6 weeks later joined again.
In retrospect, I wish I had had the courage you do, to be open and honest about your thoughts of leaving and why… it might’ve made those 6 weeks a little easier on my sobriety journey! :wink:
M :orange_heart:


Your :100: should be here were all here BC we needed help finding another way.and your meds are just that medication prescribed by your doctor so unless your abusing them to escape reality your doing fantastic and are part of our ever growing family


I’m really glad they helped. I think at a certain point we need to move beyond ‘the book’ and look within ourselves to find what is true and what makes sense for us individually, even if it seems contrary to a common thought or belief. I’m glad you made a post sharing your thoughts and concerns instead of quietly disappearing into the night.


While my bone disease isn’t cancer I have Avascular Necrosis which is lack of blood flow to the bones at major joints so they die. Basically my major bones are dying. My left hip and right knee have been completely replaced and in years to come I will most likely have the other hip and knee done, my shoulders, ankles, and wrists. I also have a ultra rare form of AVN and have it in my spine which can’t just be replaced.
13 years ago I struggled with a coke addiction, I got clean from that only to realize my drinking was also out of hand.
That was a struggle until 2017 when I quit drinking and have been sober since.

I have a medical marijuana card because my pain and anxiety from my pain and I am also prescribed pain and anxiety meds.

I am still sober, now if I was to start taking my meds or smoking just to get high and not for my pain I would restart my counter.
I feel as long as I can have a bad day and not feel the need to do some sort of substance to get away from it I’m still doing good.


Hey Ness, you definitely should NOT feel guilty or like you shouldn’t be on here. You have the same right as all of us. The fact that you drank a beer, are on shrooms and weed is okay if it’s for medicinal use and medicinal use only. And since you don’t have problems with alcohol, I don’t seem what’s wrong with drinking. it’s risky, but not relapse worthy or anything. I won’t reset my timer if I drink since my doc is gaming. In my eyes you can use any substance you are 100% not addicted to, but be very careful with it since it can trigger a cross addiction.


Stay because it always helps to have friends especially in trying times. Some others can give insight or just a friendly talk with no judgement. We don’t judge here so stay a while.


Your honesty in this post will help me come clean today as I have some hard conversations. I also encourage you to stick around. I get caught up in the why me? I like to imagine everyones recovery was easy. It helps me to know others have hit bumps and are able to share it with the group. :slight_smile:


I’ll second this… I’ve been struggling with one of my issues and just keep tripping up… We are fragile humans and need each other.
Do you like the memes? I can’t do without my daily dose!


I agree so much with this. Our journey is our own and we need to do what works for us with our own unique physiology and experiences. Too often we are shamed into thinking xyz is the only way (for a myriad of things, not just recovery and sobriety). I appreciate how the thinking and belief systems are changing and growing over time. :heart:


Hey @Ness, just checking in… how’re you doing, pal?

Hi thanks for checking on me I started chemo so I’m not feeling so great right now. Other than that all is good.


Hang in there! Sending you lots of good vibes to get through this and come out stronger than ever :relaxed:
M :orange_heart:

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Thank you! Definitely keeping the positive vibes rolling!