How do I delete my account?

I’m using weed and shrooms, weed for my pain and symptoms for my cancer and shrooms for my PTSD. I had a beer earlier and I honestly don’t feel it’s good or fair for me to still be on here. I’m not angry or depressed or in any kind of bad mood just being honest.


Ness, you are in a tremendous amount of pain from the biopsy, correct? I have been thinking of you for the last few hours after reading you check-in. Please do not leave TS. I know that I’ve found your post helpful and I appreciate you being part of this community. Sending prayers your way.


Stick around. Nobody is throwing judgement on you- and if you need help , this community might be the most thoughtful and helpful.

Stay in it, if you can. I am rooting for you, although your story is unfamiliar to me.


Why not just stay around and read? I’m sure you can benefit from posts, I know I do. I know it’s against the rules to post under the influence but it’s not against the rules to hang around and read. You can always start posting again when you’re not using.


Awesome Lisa, some of the best advice I’ve heard in a long time. :heart:


Ness, take @Lisa07 advice and just hang out here and read. We can get through this together. We’re here to help each other get through the tough times. Glad to see you’re reaching out. We got your back… :heart:


Hey Ness, please listen to the others who posted above me! You let us know on the “checking in” thread that you have cancer; you are dealing with so much right now!
I really think the best thing would be to keep your account active…
You don’t have to post, you can read if you want, or not - but there may come a day or an hour when you want to check in, and we’ll be here when that time comes.
We will miss you if you go, and either way - send our best wishes that everything comes out on top for you.
Take care, friend!
M :orange_heart:


Do you want to be sober?
If the answer is yes, then stick around.
If the answer is no, then stick around. Maybe you’ll change your mind


I really appreciate it y’all. I just got a medical card for weed and my therapist suggested shrooms for my PTSD. I started both today and just felt bad about being in the sober community and not technically being sober. Especially when I have no plans of letting go the weed or shrooms. My biopsy came back and I do have stage 3 bone cancer. It will be a long right of physical pain and suffering. I was a little sad of having to leave here and not having much of any support. After I got stoned my dad was drinking a beer and offered me to try. I never really had a problem with alcohol only narcotics so I said screw it and had a beer. That was literally 3 hours ago. I don’t necessarily feel guilt just feel like it wasn’t going to be fair to be here and not be sober.


Please stick with us. :heart:


Well I work as a Peer educator and my job is to help ppl in mental health recovery. Idk if I should be honest and say I’m not sober anymore

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Hey there, I can delete your account, but I would encourage you to stay, same as the others. Doctor prescribed medicines are not an issue, abusing them is when the issues begin.

In my opinion you have nothing to apologize for or feel guilty for. I know many folks with cancer or PTSD who find great relief through prescribed drugs.

There is a rule about posting under the influence, those posts are generally moved to the Seeking Help category, which is an opt in. If it makes you more comfortable, I or another @moderators could move this thread there. You can then opt in or they can add you.

You are 100% welcome to stay though and continue reading and contributing. :heart: And I hope you will. Our journeys are all a bit different, but we can still support eachother.

FWIW, I also have a medical marijuana card and use THC gels to help me sleep at night. I also have PTSD.

Sending many healing thoughts your way. :heart:


@Ness Hang in here Mess. Every day is newness glorios and free. An opportunity to enjoy vitality of the new that is born. The old is dead and done away. Stick around and feel the joy that will be in you.


Im very sorry to hear your diagnosis. Stick around… we support eachother, you’re one of us.


@SassyRocks thank you, I think I might stick around after all I am a narcotics addict which is the reason I was given marijuana since I can’t take pain killers.

But everyone here has been so welcoming and comforting that I understand that it’s okay what I’m doing as long as I don’t become powerless over it.


I know you said that you might just stick around after all, but I still wanted to give my two cents worth just in case it’s helpful. If you’re using something for a medical use, and it’s helping you live a better life, that’s different than abusing something to escape or avoid dealing with things in life and letting it take over everything. In a way, each person has to look at their life and ask themselves if they are addicted to something or not, if a substance or an activity serves a positive purpose in their life or not.

You could be dependent on weed because it helps with your pain, or the shooms because they help with your PTSD, but dependency isn’t the same as addiction, it’s a different approach and mindset, and if those things are allowing you to live a happier and a more productive life then that’s a win and I can’t imagine anyone here would want to take that from you just because it’s a problem in their own life. If alcohol isn’t your addiction then is you having a beer a problem? I wouldn’t say so, but it’s not for me or anyone else but you to decide, you know?

I saw that you have a narcotic addiction in one of your replies. You have recognized that is a detrimental thing in your life and I’m guessing that you approach narcotics differently than say weed, so there’s no reason you can’t be here to help you stay sober from that. Everyone here has their own struggles and they’re not all the same. There are people on here with addictions that are a real struggle for them, things that really negatively impact their lives, but that are things that I engage in and aren’t an issue for me personally. That doesn’t mean that because I engage in those things that I’m somehow less clean or sober from my own addictions, you know?

I’m not really sure if any of that is helpful for you or not. I know I can be ‘long winded’ sometimes. I’m glad that you’re going to stick around. Let this be a support for you in what you need and don’t worry about the things you engage with in your life that aren’t a problem for you.

*edit for typos


I should clarify that when I said I was unfamiliar with your story, I just meant I did not know all your med details and just wanted you to know you’re worth being here no matter what. I definitely get a lot of strength from just reading - it’s a really helpful ritual, to read every morning and before I go to sleep.

Addiction/ transitioning to sobriety is incredibly lonely, I hope you can feel some good support and strength from the good people here.


You could be taking a lot worse for pain! Stick around, nobody is judging you


@Chiron wow your words really helped! Thank you so much! I guess as a person who works in the mental health field I’ve been taught by the book and not by reality. Thank you again!


No worries @Hvitrafn I understood what you meant to be fair I’m not really that known here I honestly don’t post on here enough