How do I stop thinking and feeling all this

My friend- Feelings are for feeling! Think of it like the UPS woman knocking at your door with a package. You have a package! What kind of goodness is inside just waiting to be unearthed? Sit with those feelings and figure out why you’re upset? It’s not what others think about you being unemployed that bothers you. It’s what you’re saying to yourself about it that matters. Meditate. And Godspeed.

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Thanks Mrsb2

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I know what you’re feeling, you’re feeling sobriety. The bad feelings will stay for a while and likely return from time to time, however now you will learn to cope in a healthy way.
If your mind is moving to fast for you, maybe write the recurring thoughts down, figure why you have them and try do something about them. This way your mind will likely be less chaotic and if you have thoughts that you can remove this way, it will probably give you some satisfaction.
I had the same issue when I was just back from rehab. I continuously had the same thoughts, one of them was that I was failing school, so I decided to do something about it. That thought is gone now. Later I thought I was fucking up recovery, couldn’t figure out why I was thinking that, but then I realised I was really watching way more Netflix than I should be. So I deleted my account.
The thoughts can be warning signs or suggestions to improve your life, try to listen to them and figure out why you have them.
As for your friend that became team leader, she is just a hypocrite.
I hope this helps you out, good luck :smiley:

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Thank you so much. Your words struck me in a positive way. I deleted my social media last year and even this year. It makes me think clearly without the added pressure and I guess, figure out people who are good for me and those that are “just there” or I’m chasing for attention, if that makes sense. Thanks. It’s nice to hear that I’m feeling sobriety. Beautiful way of looking at it.

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