Hi all. I’m 8 months sober now and everyday I really struggle with just doing everyday life things. My motivation is toast. I’ve tried to do a variety of different things to boost my enthusiasm about being sober and I’m definitely grateful to have my recovery but I feel just blah. Has anyone else experienced this? Suggestions please!
Hi Cindy,
This is me and not judging you at all.
I find the word motivation is dangerous as it comes and goes and mostly goes. I find it needs to be made.
Discipline to get up, work, exercise, engage is a better thought process for me.
If I left to motivation I’d be hard pressed to get up and going. But I refuse to not so I’ve learned to be disciplined in my sobriety journey and do that which I really would rather not. Each and every time I do and am more motivated to continue. But everyday I need my discipline to not allow excuses to sneak in and get up and going.
Not sure if that’s helpful to you but it’s how I e looked at and done what I’m doing.
Ps, congrats on 8 months, as that is a massive amount of discipline right there. I am also coming up on 8 months in a few weeks.
Congratulations on 8 months!!!
I agree with @Chevy55 in that motivation does come and go. It does for me too. I tend to go thru phases where things are great and i can get things done and im “motivated”. And then have phases where this isnt the case at all. Im currently in the unmotivated stage and have been for a week or so. For what reason… idk but its what i do about it that counts.
When i get like this, i focus on baby steps. Just focusing on one task at a time. I make sure to get outside at least once during the day, wether i feel like it or not. Some days I literally have to force myself to get up and do a task or two. Get something done instead of lying around all day. And i know i will always feel better after i complete what i want to do. I find once i get going, then its easier to keep going. The hard part is getting started lol
Maybe try to focus on just one task at a time. Break things down. For example:
- get out of bed
- shower/brush teeth
- get dressed
- make breakfast
- etc
See if that helps
That’s awesome! Congrats to you. And yeah looking at it that way does help some. Ty
I agree, once I get going I’m good. Your right it’s that first step. But thanks so much for the advise.
Hi Gypsy, I think it’s totally normal to feel blah at times after getting sober. When we were using there was an instant gratification there and the whole process of getting the stuff and using it was something to look forward to because it felt good but now being sober everything’s different, it’s not as easy as getting high and feeling better we actually have to make plans and do other safe things which don’t always satisfy us right away. It’s probably going to take a long time before we feel really comfortable with ourselves. So I would say keep doing what your doing, make good decisions, don’t let boredom get the best of you and know that being sober is the best decision you ever made. Hang in there😄
Thanks so much!!
Motivation often comes after doing something. So make the task small enough so you will actually do it, then try to ride that wave. If you need to clean your whole house, tidy a table. If you need to make dinner, get one dish started. Many times you will find you can get more done on the momentum. If not, at least you have done that one small task.
Hi @Gypsyvirgo86 congrats in 8months I agree with all on here . First thing in the morning can be the most difficult for me ,as soon as I wake up I could be filled with worry or lack of interest but I push through that everyday to do something useful and the rest (motivation ) normally comes by then I’m busy and happier hope you find your way through this take our advice and see if it works