I am a binge drinker, I realised some time ago that it’s all or nothing and it can’t be controlled. The UK culture heavily enables bingeing and it’s a standard part of the night life, you continue to get served even if you’re way above the limit and visibly drunk.
I have found that even though I am aware of the dangers before a night out, I still don’t limit my drinks because it’s been a while since a particularly disastrous night. My partner likes to drink and is a problem drinker himself even if he won’t admit it because “nothing too bad happens when he drinks”. He spends most of the night out at the bar and also buys my drinks so I end up with a lot despite few trips to the bar personally.
I have talked about going sober completely before and he didn’t want to give up it completely because he does want to be able to have a drink with me sometimes. The problem with allowing alcohol in any form like just drinking at home will mean it’s ok for me to drink out every now and then because I can “handle” it and I’ve not given it up completely.
It was another bad night for it this weekend and I want to talk about being sober again, he might agree with me completely but any advice for what to say if he says I can moderate it?
Side note: I did give up before for some months out of covid and did find all the benefits to being sober and preferred it. The reason I started again was because I like a problem drinker who felt uneasy when he got really drunk and I was stone cold sober. That ended and I gave it up again but did the same not that long later when I met my current partner. I still remember when he called me boring for not drinking. Bad reasons for picking it back up again I know but both times I thought “I can handle it”.