Hey guys, i kinda just wanted to hear what some of you have to say about Suboxone. Im in the process of trying to ween myself off of it, but i never realized how hard ot would be! Its like withdrawl all over again!
Suboxone to me should only be used to detox and not maintenance. When used as maintenance your just taking a rain check from the wd you feared from the opiates. What mg are you on may i ask? Doctors are wayyy over prescribing. Your receptors are completely maxed at 4mg making anything more is doing more harm then good. I had a heavy dope iv habit and 4mg of sub worked.
My dr has me on 24mg a day but i only take 4mg sometimes 8mg a day.
Your doing the right thing and obviously proved my point of over prescribing. Do you have a taper plan? I used one 8mg sub to get thru my detox. It was rough but better then it could have been. After about 9-10 days of detoxing i was on my own. Ill be hitting 9 months clean by the weeks end. If you need any help or have questions always reach out…
What do you mean you used 8mg to taper?
When i detoxed from opiates i only used one 8mg sub. Thats a bit drastic. I started at 2mg and divided it up. Toward the end i skipped doses til it was gone. The first 3 days off it were alil rough but after that it got better everyday. I knew if i bought more subs id just do more like any addict does.
Right now im diving my 8mg into 4mg but im having a hard time sticking with just 4mg. Like ill take 4mg before work at 3am. But then ill crave for the second half sometime throughout the day. And if i dont take it, i throw myself into withdrawls that really really suck and are very painful.