How do you fend off boredom?

My sobriety is not going well. My response to stress and boredom has always been have a few drinks if possible. What new things did you discover that work for you?


For boredom in the early days I really planned out my free time. I would put in sobriety work (meeting or read a chapter of quit lit) decide exactly what housework I would do, what exercise I would do, what Netflix I would watch. Definitely keep lots of af drinks about so you are not tempted. It takes time to stop the association, so be patient. I genuinely feared free time alone at the beginning of my journey, because of the cravings, but I relish it now, and drinking never occurs to me. It can be done!


I work, do housework, take care of my dogs, make plans with family or friends at least once per week, read, watch streaming series, go to therapy, do online meetings, exercise, etc. I do a.lot of what I did before but now I don’t drink.


I have ADHD so boredom makes me feel incresibly depressed. I wish I could afford to see my thwrqpist this month! :sweat_smile: I dont have any friends here apart from my partner. My friends are over 150 miles away now. I thought we would meet people but parents of NT kids dont really speak to us.

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Have a look through the just-for-fun stuff on this forum, maybe you find a new hobby. Plants and gardening? Knitting? Puzzles? Walking and hiking? Arts and crafts? Books, music, movies and streaming?

Think back, what did you enjoy growing up? Maybe an old hobby can become a new hobby.

If you’re really strapped for cash: make a picture for the cloud watching thread every day. And after that you can share a picture of your breakfast, lunch and dinner on the foodie thread.

Hope to see you around