How do you handle mix of various emotions

Hello my dears. During a recent week or so I experienced two situations which led to relapse, didn’t drink much, just like 2.0 to 2.5 dcl of 40% alc in bottle, but still spoiled my sobriety plans a bit. One situation was connected with physical activity, sport, which as such was very exhausting driven by very bad weather and at the end of a day I just told myself fcuk it…And another situation was few days ago, when within a single day I experienced very strong positive emotions driven by great productivity at work however soon after there were some meetings which didn’t go that well and experienced quite an opposite but not that bad lets say but point is the mix of emotions within a day plus my brain worked like 110% all work day. Again relapsed, not much but still. Do you happen to have any advice or approach that is worth of sharing, anything that would help me not to buy that bottle and overcome these emotions, state of minds ? Thank you


Well, for me, the whole experience of sobriety was more than just not drinking, it was and is the true work of what to do with our emotions. This is my recovery / life journey. So plus side, I think you are on to something! :slightly_smiling_face:

We get so accustomed to ‘celebrating’ a victory or event with alcohol …and also to ‘drowning our sorrows’ with alcohol…and ‘relaxing’ with aclohol. But is that really what alcohol brings to our lives? No, not for me.

It simply isn’t ‘don’t drink’…it is much more, as you ask, how to handle emotions. We feel them, we recognize our body is reacting in a way, our mind is telling us something…feelings and emotions pass if we allow them to…if we don’t drink at them and thus repress them in our body/mind. In early days, what was helpful for me was taking a walk or run or bicycle when I was having big emotions or turn to here and post or read or write in my journal or a hot bath or shower. Distract and also write it out or move it out of my body/mind. In that way I began to learn or relearn that my body and mind functioned better, cleaner when alcohol didn’t stop the expression of the emotion. Therapy can also be helpful in learning new ways to become comfortable with emotions. Talk therapy, movement therapy, somatic therapy, and more. Meditation and mindfulness have also been quite helpful in my personal journey of learning how to feel again and not turn to alcohol or cigarettes or other drugs. I have turned a lot to sugar recently and I deeply recognize that and work hard to use my skills. But I do rationalize that I won’t be blowing up my marriage by eating sugar or crashing my car into someone else. Still, it is all connected and learning to feel and be okay with feelings and emotions is a life’s work (for me at least). Progress, not perfection?

Idk if this is helpful at all, but I read your post and wanted to share my experience. I will add, don’t let some setbacks stop you from your goal. Sobriety and recovery are incredibly life changing. They do not magically solve life’s challenges, but they do make us stronger and more able to live life fully and with clarity.

Be gentle with yourself in your journey. You are not alone. :heart::people_hugging::heart:


Thank you @SassyRocks :heartbeat: You can’t imagine how well your message did to me. Very helpful and insightful, will be coming back to this one.

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Glad it resonated. :heart:

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