How do you keep a straight line

I kinda wanna spiral. A month and a half since my break up and it still hurts like hell. Any advice on keeping on a straight path or helping the healing along


Sometimes just accepting your human and have pain can be a great helper, we all put pressure on ourseleves at times to do or be something were not


Something that life has taught me is everything has its time, or its season. Good times end. Bad times end. Relationships begin. Relationships end. A great meal is presented, eaten and enjoyed.

This has helped me to accept change. I know it may be rainy today, but the rain will end, and the sun will shine. I can’t do much to change the seasons. I can just experience them while they are here.


Following on from @Yoda-Stevie and his usual wise words there is a Buddhist expression along the lines of, We are only passing through suffering or pain it is not a permanent state neither is joy so treat both with the same respect.


The thing with a spiral is it always takes you to the same spot. The only thing that changes is how high up or (in most cases) how far down the spiral you are. A spiral does not take you forward. Whatever you think you left behind when getting on a spiral is still waiting in the same spot.


Like the others have said, it may just take time to heal. You won’t feel like this forever. It’ll pass. Sometimes, we just have to ride out the emotions. Realizing that I’m not going to always feel 100% or completely happy and stress free, is something I’m coming to terms with myself. There’s good and bad in life and I have to accept both.

Spiraling won’t make the situation any better. More than likely it’ll make you feel worse. Surely there are things you could focus on in your life that would better you or bring you some happiness. Maybe pick something healthy to put your energy into.