How do you manage sleeping issues

Hi there. Every time i quit, i start having problems with sleeping. It takes couple of hours to fall asleep, and i wake up every hour or two, and my health app registeres short periods of deep delta sleep. (when drinking, i fall asleep immediately, but drunk)). Except basic rules like fresh air in bedroom, not eating much before sleep, not working in bed etc. Have anyone tried any hacks to better sleep? Maybe some supplements? I’m talking 5htp, but don’t see any difference…


Unfortunally it takes a while untill your sleep patern is normal again. Your body has to adjust and that takes time. I slept crappy for may weeks even months. What helped me was a melatonin supplement and a vitamin B complex.
Try to be gentil to your body. Taking hot baths ore shower before sleep and a camomile tea can help as well.
Take your time to heal, your sleep will return.
Sleeping with alcohol wasn’t a good healthy sleep, we all know that as well :blush:


Unfortunately no, time is the only cure.

Some things that may halp a little:

Melatonin 1 hr before bed
Same sleep schedule
Daily exercise
Healthy diet
No electronic devices 1 hr before bed
Read a book before bed

That may help, marginally. The best cure is time.

I found that the worst sober sleep is still better than the best drunk sleep… It should only last a few weeks, then the best sleep comes! Something to look forward to!


Agreed. When it comes to getting sober there isnt really an easy ways out. We just gotta go through it.

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Well…tackle why you are quitting multiple times…end that cycle and sleep will get better. What I did in the beginning and still do:

  1. i go to bed exhausted. Whether it my job, exercise, chores or a combination…my day is packed.

  2. diet. I am fluffy, I wont even lie…but…I shop from the fresh areas of the store. Canned and processed foods are almost non existent in my diet.

  3. caffeine. Severly limited, and on its way out…

  4. (not a doctor) i take melatonin, and magnesium before bed, followed my a large glass of electrolytes.

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Thank you for your kind responses, i’ll try melatonin first, then i’ll add magnesium later too
Thanks so much

Hi Rulka!

There are some good suggestions here.

It does take time.

Here is what has helped me…

Very regular sleep routine. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Do the same routine before bed as much as possible. For me that is reading in a quiet bedroom. No screens there for distraction.

Regular good eating habits. Protein, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables. Also, good hydration. Be careful about caffeine. I love my morning coffee. But any caffeine after that morning dose sets off my sleep issues. Many many soft drinks and teas and energy drinks have lots of caffeine. Read the labels. I love iced tea, but I have to be sure it is decaf.

Regular aerobic exercise a few times a week, especially in the morning. A physically tired body will want good sleep. The endorphins make you feel great!

I take a multi vitamin, vitamin b complex, 250 mg of magnesium, and ibuprofen pm. I also take a small dose of progesterone cuz I’m a post menopausal woman. This combo helps me sleep and wake up refreshed.

It did take about a month for me to get all this in place when I quit drinking. But it is just great now.

I wish you the best!

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Thank you all, your replies helped me a lot. I was thinking that sleep improves immediately after quitting, but now i know i just have to wait and try some supplements you mentioned :cherry_blossom:

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I’m 7 days in and the sleep is rough. I figure my body will at some point adjust

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My doctor prescribed me a pill today for my irritability and lack of sleep

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