How do you move on from addiction

I smoked meth for 6 years since I was 13 now I’m 21 i just barley turned 21. I’m 3 months sober from meth but I’ve only been 21 for 3 days I got two beers Drank them but that’s not enough I want more so quickly I can just jump from one drug to another. Will we addicts ever be normal? I used to look at people when I was deep in my addiction that looked “normal” and wished to be them. Now here I am 3 months sober from meth but I’ll never be normal I’ll always want to run away from myself. Does anyone else feel like this? How do you get thru this? How do you move on from this without numbing yourself with whatever you can get your hands on?


Normal: those people who never did drugs, the one who don’t have altered brains the ones who are as normal as they’ll ever be because they never tried drugs to alter their brains or know what it could be like. I guess I’m just tired of having to say know I wanna know what it could be like to not have to say no because I never knew what saying yes could feel like.


The lines between trauma (big and little T) and addiction is often blurred; It’s hard to know where one ends and where the other begins. Our trauma causes us to self medicate and our addiction causes us to over do it. We usually treat the symptom (the addiction) and not the cause (the trauma). Because of this, sobriety can still make us feel empty. When we work on the trauma, that’s where the magic happens.

Can we be normal? I can only say for myself, and I know I can’t ever drink again. I’ve accepted that fact and made me peace with it.


The trama I have no clue what the trama is all I know is I wanted to die before I ever even tried drugs . I’m glad you’ve made peace with it tho I really am I hope more addicts can make peace with it even if I never might all I want to do is go back in time and get high 1 more time


Well fuck that human behavior lol it’s ruining a lot of peoples lives that human behavior lol

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You get a sponser and work the steps. It only works if you have an inner most desire to stop


You have to Accept the Fact that you’re an Addict, the way I accepted the fact that I am an addict. You lived a harder life than most people did and must have seen and done a lot of things that you regret (like myself and the many, MANY other’s that are here, like you).

You just turned 21 (Happy Birthday!) and you say you’ve been using Meth since you were 13-years-old. 8 years, gone. 8 years that you are NEVER getting back. Your eyes have been opened to your reality. You recognized, on your own that you, have a serious problem and that is to be Commended. Not a lot of people in the throes of their vicious Addiction’s think like that.

Now, how do you move on from all of this? You’ve recognized that you have a serious problem. Remind yourself EVERY DAY where you were at, during your Lowest of the Low. Remind yourself, EVERY DAY, how you Felt the once those binges wore off. Channel that Focus to motivate you to Move On from Your Addiction. Remind yourself WHY you are doing this. Remind yourself that YOU want to better Your Lot in Life so that you can move onto Bigger and Greater things!

It’s not going to be easy in the beginning. Such things never are but by just Knowing that you need to be Sober, you’ve taken the first steps into something Greater. You’re taking a hold of your OWN Destiny. As for you drinking those few Beers? Don’t even bother touching a Drop of Alcohol. It’s not worth it.

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I’m glad ur alive my son died at 22 he wasn’t an addict or alcoholic he just wnted me 2 stop my shit & selling He was just a koo 22yr old dude tht got killed… U r blessed w/ur life