How do you physically Wake up, and get your body moving?

My alarm goes off i dont set multiple i get up on the first one. I had a stretch. Let the dogs out in the garden whilst i get dressed then out :slight_smile:
After the walk i will have breakfast and then get ready for work.
On a non work day i do the same just a little later and after i will have a bath/shower then a coffee maybe lay on the bed for a bit then breakfast :slight_smile:


I know if I donā€™t get up, the day is ruined. If I sleep in a little, thats fine, but I find that if I just stick to a schedule, that I am less tired each day, and have more energy than if I had a varying sleep schedule. It just seems to go with the territory.

So when I get up, I know I have to stay up for quite a while, which makes me work out. If I do that, my body seems to have plenty of energy later

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Donā€™t eat after 8pm.

Go to bed by 10pm. Even earlier is better.

Donā€™t watch TV before bed.

Get up at the same time every morningā€¦

Set your alarm at put your phone on the other side of the room and make sure its connected to a loud Bluetooth speaker.

Get straight in the shower as soon as you get up.

Make your morning coffee.

Open the blinds and windows in bedroom.

Make your bed as soon as you get up.

BUT, most importantly, have a reason to get out of bed in the morning, and let that first reason be that ā€œeverything is always working out for meā€

Wake up with purpose and direction and you will soon be springing up out of bedā€¦



I wake up between 5 am and 6am. My body just naturally wakes up. I LOVEEEE the early morning. Itā€™s my favourite part of the day.

Once you start waking up at that time, after a while your body just craves it and you automatically just do it.

It may take a few weeks to get into the routine but as soon as your alarm goes off, just get out of bed. Get in the shower. Make coffee. Open the blinds and windows.


Thank you for this post.
I have had a massive amount of difficulty getting out of bed, and this has been going on for months. I just feel like a dead weight and roll over and go back to sleep. Iā€™m seven weeks sober now and that hasnā€™t made the difference, and recent bloods show Iā€™m in excellent health.
I donā€™t seem depressed, once Iā€™m up, Iā€™m fine, but unfortunately this is normally the afternoon!:cry:
Iā€™m currently fighting to get my job back after 18months (a long story) which has been mentally draining, a real struggle over those months.
Iā€™m going to try your idea of gently moving parts of my body instead of trying to leap out of bed, see if that works.
I go to bed at a reasonable time too, so who knows whatā€™s going on with me. I feel like Iā€™m sleeping for Australia!!


Definitely give it a try, I struggled for so long and am just starting to get the hang of things now!

Looking forward to a healthy colorful meal instead of toxins to poison my body. Coupled with a healthy read to feed my mind with positive thinking. Oh and definitely donā€™t forget coffee!


Awesome thank you for sharing that Iā€™m going to practice everything you have there I never really thought of that stuff. Itā€™s taking me 12 years to get to this point so as you see Iā€™m a slow learner and an extremely hard headed person.

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i think, the quicker i get up the quicker i can get a cup of coffee. ok, iā€™m up! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Go straight to take a cold shower. Itā€™s hard but after youā€™ve done that you are Awake and Ready for the day, i promise :grin:


My PA or as I like to call her, the Mrs.

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Yeah go for it! I only do once a week maybe at the moment but i should do at least on all working days. It will help me be more focussed and energized.


This is really excellent advice, but itā€™s the getting from the bed to the shower bit that I find most difficult, how do you do that?

Hey Apes, you didnā€™t mention getting almonds ready for Mr Floof and Friends!!:parrot::parrot::parrot:

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Yeah i get what you mean. I donā€™t know, best is just to wake up, get out of bed and into the shower before the brain starts working. It needs to become something you look forward to, something you give yourself because itā€™s beneficial for your health and it will help you.
My colleague did a Wim Hof course last month and now bought a freezer that he turned into an icetub in which he sits every day a bit longer, making a bit of a ritual out of it with candles, insence, music, etc. He told me today he gets almost like addicted to it, it gives him so much energy and good mood.

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Indeed! This is a big one!

How did I forget that!?!

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On that note, i have sad newsā€¦ go check the floof thread for my new post :wink: