How do you start dating again (sober)

if you can handle being around someone who drinks, request that you go to a place that serves food and eat while they have a few drinks.

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I am almost 30 , newly sober my clean date is 4/17/2021 and all my friends are married with a tribe of kids. I do have a boyfriend of numerous years and I want a baby so bad but I know I need a lot more clean time under my belt. Do not let this generation fool you, people are having kids and developing families so much younger now. Having a baby at even 35 years old is completely normal girlfriend! I know how you are feeling though. Just keep reminding yourself that you are still very young and beautiful and you will find someone worthy enough for you! :blue_heart:

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Thank you so much love. :heart: I appreciate it so much! :two_hearts::blush: We will both get there.:heart:

I dated online for 2 years before finding my fiance. Unfortunately neither one of us were sober when we met. She drinks, but not like I used too. So far it’s no issue. In hindsight, I feel I would have saved a lot of money, time, and more time had I got sober first.

Thank you so much. :revolving_hearts: I needed to hear that! It’s like just by reading that you awakened my day :slight_smile:

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