After almost 50 days clean from weed I’ve found myself eating like a horse but think it’s a combo of getting my appetite back and being more physically active but loving it can’t get enough haha but as I said I am staying active and on top of the weight gain which is welcome after walking around 65 K’gari for so long and unable to put weight on. Does anyone else have this issue
I’ve heard weed speeds up your metabolism. Back when I smoked, I was always so tired and lazy and it suppressed my appetite so I wasn’t eating alot and got to my thinnest. I’m sure that caused some nutrient deficiencies. The body will crave what it’s missing. That, along with being more active now, is probably what’s fueling this. Another reason could be getting your sense of smell and taste back to normal so you can properly taste food again. As long as you’re not eating complete garbage or getting way out of control, it should even out in time
No garbage just healthy seen how out of hand my weight can get and don’t want to be 130kgs again so work out daily martial arts 3 times a week and as I said good food
This is a great post for me thanks @Daggy86 @Just_Laura i was the opposite to you when I was stoned and managed the odd day without alcohol I ate so much crap McDonald’s ,kfc takeaway things that would soak up my poor alcoholic stomach. I’ve not wanted a takeaway or fast food since (madness)but it’s two weeks today clean of weed and I still don’t have an appetite I eat regularly but it’s when my stomach s really rumbling and asking ,not because I mentally want to eat And I can’t get through all of a meal yet either I’m not worrying just going with it but this is a helpful post and I’m hoping things will change soon
Took me a few weeks I was just getting my appetite back then got influenza A and lost my appetite again but was eating when I could but now omg so much food hahaha and its taste so good you’ll get there and when you do make sure you savour it and don’t go to hard otherwise the weight will just pile on I know cos last time I tried to quit I got three years clean but in the first 6 months I put 40kgs on sitting round and just smashing shit food but not making that same mistake healthy food and plenty of exercise helps with the mental issues as well
Thank you I’m looking forward to that
We had pizza the other night and even my wife noticed she said did you just eat that whole pizza I looked in the box said guess I did shit that’s gonna hurt tomorrow in the gym hahaha yes I said I eat healthy but who doesn’t have a cheat day once in a while hahahaha and what better food then pizza lol the way I see it a pizza here an ice cream there is still better then pumping my body full of thc everyday