How is everyone doing right now?

He said that he gets paid on Tuesday

Shit! Completely fallen off the wagon due to stress, So I’ve come on here to all you great people to find some inspiration and support. Last few weeks I’ve been drinking again but I don’t want to anymore so this is day 1! Just like others exercise is a big thing for but it’s also my lively hood as I own a gym in the UK! So quite worrying times.


Whereabouts in the UK are you mate, I’m from greater Manchester. :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

From Norfolk mate

I love it down there though I havn’t been for many years. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

It’s a great place to live mate so beautiful

Yeah we went on the Broads the last time I was there, I dreamed of owning one of the houses that back on to it for a while afterwards though I doubt that I could afford one. :slightly_smiling_face:

I looked into them last year, I thought they would be millions believe it or not they ain’t! The average was about 500k still out of my reach but not so far out of my dreams

No way, I thought they would be at least a million, it would be nice to done an old rundown one and build a new one with a full glass back wall. That would be living the dream! :slightly_smiling_face:

There was one that had just been rebuilt massive it was mate was up for sale 840k I was shocked

Imagine if you’d bought one thirty years ago, the money it would be worth now compared to what it cost would be insane. I think my parents paid around seventy grand for theirs, it’s worth around 450 now. We did build a massive extension but we’re in the building trade so saved a fortune on it.
An ex girlfriend is mine from merit twenty years ago now moved down to Norfolk the lucky sod :joy::+1::slightly_smiling_face:

It’s my prescription. Luckily it passed! Currently on 12mg suboxone a day , and a week blister pack of 3 clonidine 0.2mg and 3 valium 10mg and 1 trazadone. Sometimes I dont take the clonodine I get really drowsy sometimes and I am apparently drinking to muchh coffee lol! My dr just called and i told her about this app and she said she might reccomend it to patients because it tracks money and theres a support system!

Thank you for caring… I still have memory issues which is concerning me. One month 16 days I think off oxy and i was taking 150 2mg clonazepam a month /:
Detox 10 days, and then homeless shelter for 16 and out of nowhere my dad texted me to come to his place… I was kicked out over 2 years ago

I’m happy that your back at your dad’s, I imagine being in the shelter was very tough on your sobriety. Are you planning on tapering down off of your subs. The most I ever took was 4mg so it was very easy to come off of. I’m currently on naltrexone so that I can’t use though I’m stopping taking that soon. I used to take massive doses of benzos it’s not good is it, I always used to make very poor decisions when on them, driving and crashing in to people and things. I’m so glad that those days are behind me.
Feel free to message me if you every need to talk buddy. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

I’m struggling tbh. Things with my life arent going the way I thought they would and taking the right not easy path is harder than j thought. I dont want to relapse but the feelings are hard to fight


Sorry to hear that Crystal, you can talk here if it’ll help.

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I’m doing okay, my anxiety is off the roofs and the online schooling I have to do is confusing. Plus being stuck in the house with my toxic parents ugh it not the greatest but I’m reaching one month clean soon so.

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I’m just trying to keep things one day at a time. It’s the best we can do. I too miss my fitness center with machines and Pilates reformers. I just can’t get motivated to work out at home even though I have some dumbbells and a bench and a few other things. Actually I can’t get motivated to do anything!! I keep walking. I walk the dogs and then go for a faster walk by myself. I put the earbuds in and listen to my angry rap Eminem tunes and some others while walking as fast as I can. And I got to do a little yard work since it’s warming up to the fifties. I’m happy I got almost 90 days under my belt cuz I think that is making easier for me to NOT want to drink. Sitting on the deck with a fire going and my two dogs. I’m so grateful.
Keep at it folks. We’re worth it.


A lot better then I was yesterday and the day before.

Here’s to another shot!

Have a good day people.