How is everyone feeling today?

Amazing, thank you! I have lower back pain as well. I’m glad you’re getting some relief!

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Regular price is over $1000

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Sounds about right. I have a tempurpedic mattress, but it’s pretty old and I’m noticing my back pain flaring up so I think it’s time for an upgrade

I’m feeling off. Slept well enough, but woke up in this weird, antsy state. May just hop on the bus and get out for a bit.
Too damn early to feel this restless.

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I’m feeling pretty good today. Tomorrow is day 60 alcohol free for me and I have no intention of going back to the old me. I guess some of the “pink cloud” as they call it has started to wear off and I’m getting more used to the benefits of not drinking.

I still love it but I think it’s becoming more of a norm for me, which is good because I like to think that means sobriety is now my new routine.

I’m also feeling thankful for TS and everyone here, have a great day everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

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Glad you are back on track!

It’s my 2nd day of sobriety. I am trying not to think to hard about the future. My issue is always about consistency, I find myself thinking is this going to be the time I crack this for good or will I always be like this.

I am really trying hard to be healthy of heart and mind