How long should you wait to get a job

I feel like you’ll know when you’re ready to have the temptation of having money coming in because as addicts when we had money in the past it went to dope


Welcome to the forum @Aaron_22

Being in recovery is about being responsible and making good decisions. Having a job to be able to live is definitely a necessity.
If you’re worried about handling the money you could give someone else your card when you’ve paid your bills etc. Or put the majority of you wage into an account that can’t be easily accessed.
Im an addict but being in recovery means I no longer have the mindset of cash=alcohol as Ive retrained my brain… it is possible.


I’ve only been sober for 45 days and my counselor said I should maybe wait to get a job but my rebuttal was I gotta save for a car and she’s just like I should wait but I just wanted some feedback. Obviously if you’ve been sober for an extended period of time then money shouldn’t be a issue but first coming into recovery it could pose a challenge to individuals still learning to cope without drugs on a daily basis. Thank you for your comments I appreciate it.

Welcome @Aaron_22 !
Believe it or not, I still don’t carry cash :sweat_smile: the devil is a motherfu**r if you know what I mean. I do most of my transactions with card or I just shop online. Only reason I carry cash is to gift it.

Whenever you feel like its time to get a job, do it. The sooner the better. Idle time is dangerous at the beginning. If your not working try the 90 meetings in 90 days.


What is the main reason for you wanting a job now?

Doing it for the money, to get a car? Then you have to ask yourself if you really can be trusted with having spare money? Do you feel secure enough in your sobriety to put that money aside for the car and not be tempted by it to go back to your DOC?

Or do you want to get a job, because that’s what people do in a working society? We work to provide for ourselves/family and it fills our days with purpose.

That’s so true, idle time is dangerous. And a job would help with that.

But if you’re not sure if you can trust yourself with the responsibility of handing the money that comes with a paid job: consider volunteering. It fills your time with purpose. You do something good for your community or the environment. You meet new people. It looks great on your CV and keeps you in the job market, even without having a (paid) job.