How many days y'all? (Part 1)

Welcome to the community Dave
Well done on your 2+ days of sobriety. It is harder to fight for when you among your DOC and giing through personal issues but it can and has been done.
If AA isnt for you- have you checked into other support groups? Are you able to talk with someone irl?
This is a fantastic community that you have joined. So much love and support here- lots of great advice and encouragement and absolutely 0 judgment. You are not alone here.
Read around the threads - join in when you feel ready. We are all here fighting our DOC(s) and lookingvfor a addiction free life.
Glad you are here - hope to see you around.


Ive got 155 days today and feeling AMAZING… I really do love this path im on definitely makes me wanna keep moving forward… its so crazy to think about all the time i spent Miserable and wishing i cld just go to sleep and just sleep not have to worry bout waking up sick and not seeing the insanity in that til now that i AM clean and KNOW that i will go to bed tonite and DO NOT have to worry bout waking up sick tomorrow…I LOVE IT… 5 months and 5 days and going strong…


1400 days


Congrats on your amazing sober time. 1400 days is very impressive :clap: :raised_hands:


Thank you Jazzy! Mere minutes away from 3 days! No longer at such a dark place with my husband. We are 22 years apart and I think he is experiencing FOMO. We have been together 6 years and he is now 31. He said he loves me and has no plans on going anywhere but still may want to “experience “ some more. Drinking has ruined so many of my relationships. I am sick and tired of it. Time to kick this beast out of me. My best friend of 30+ years has been c/s for 3 years now. He is a great support. Recommended a book called “The spirituality of imperfection” Said it helped him a lot and he knows me better than most. Anyhow, I appreciate your kind reply and I am pouring a cranberry hibiscus sparkling water over ice to honor 3 days sober in 7 minutes. Be well.


Good morning / afternoon Dave
So happy to hear that you are on day 3 and not in the dark place. Wishing you the best with your relationship and on your sober journey.

I haven’t read that book but it sounds like a great read.

You should also consider posting on our Checking in daily to maintain focus #56 thread - it does help keep you accountable and reach out to more folks on the app.

Can i say YUM - that sounds so refreshing! ENJOY and Happy Friday!

1 Like

9370 days.


60 tomorrow!!! Didnt think i could do it


706 days without abusing prescription medication


Keep up the amazing work and congratulations!

Awesome! I’m very proud of you!

Congratulations on your days every bad day sober is better than your best days in active addiction :heart::100:


I have 13 months today clean and sober and that’s truly a blessing if you knew my story and I thank God and my sober family for helping to make that possible because never would I have believed that would be a real thing and I’m truly grateful for just today and I’m grateful for all the clean time gathered here to help and guide one another :heart::100:


200 days alcohol and weed free today


One year and 255 days today. Couldn’t have done this without all you folks here on TS. Thank you! :pray::relieved:


111 days sober today


Congratulations on your hard work! :clap:



Way to go Renee - absolutely crushing it!



Aww thank you! It was nice to see a milestone this morning :blush::blush:
3/4 of a year I haven’t gotten high! That’s crazy to me to think about. And I am so grateful to everyone here for helping me get to this point :sparkling_heart: