How many days does everyone have? Don't be shy #2

I wouldn’t say I nailed it lol but I made it through. Thank you :blush:


Day 6 today and starting to worry about going back to work I’ve been offered a new job that’s full time and it would be great to earn more money to afford to get a bigger home for me and my daughter I really want this job but I’m so worried about my mental health I’m struggling to get out most days and have to push myself to get things done how will I cope working full time ? Or do I go back to my job of 2 days a week and do what I’m comfortable doing? I still have a couple of weeks to decide what to do so I’m gonna try my best to get up earlier each day and motivate myself… whenever I think about the new job I feel anxiety about being away from home each day but I also know it would be my chance to build a business for my future … i know to some people it’s a simple dession but to me Its playing on my mind so much! Sorry 4 the rant !


I suggest just waiting some time until you’ve racked up some more days and feel better


Thankyou I’ve been off work since January cos of breaking my arm and lockdown my anxiety is taking over so I need to work on myself and get better I’m also gonna contact my doctor for help as it’s not normal to isolate as much as I do !


That a good idea, @Natnat. Anxiety is brutal. I’m starting Day 3 and it’s really tough, but I know I’m in withdrawal, and I have medications that I know will kick in. I hope you go see a doctor. It doesn’t have to be this way. Also, sobriety comes before career. I may be making some hard decisions soon about my job as I think the stress and anxiety of it all isn’t promoting sobriety. That being said, I need to get through the withdrawal phase, let the meds kick in, and go from there. Anyhoo, hang in there. Will be thinking of you!


Bless your heart thankyou so much. I hope u start to feel much better soon x

One day at time… Progress, not perfection. That’s all that is asked of us!!

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8 days. Starting to feel sleep getting better, and my skin improving. I’m excited as to what improves next!
Im starting to feel alive again.


Day 2 for me but it’s when the weekend hits is when I get worried :-/


You’ve got this

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Think of your chosen name!


Day 5 here :sunflower:


Ohhhh you got me on that!! :blush:

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Weekends are no different to week days. You go to bed and you wake up. You even get a real good sleep if you don’t drink. So enjoy your weekend sober :muscle:t5:


Be strong. I’m on day 8, just got through my first weekend. Try to avoid your triggers. It’s actually funny how the weirdest things will just trigger you. Try to remember that you’re doing this to get better, and don’t give up.


Anyone not using their DOC, showing up, putting in the work, and trying to do a little better than they did yesterday…be proud. It’s all we can do.
And I am very proud of the progress I made with these addictions.
858 days sober and 82 days smoke free


Day 17… been here plenty of times before but hoping its the last time :pray:



Whoa that’s incredible!