How many days does everyone have? Don't be shy!

quick tip, when you get through this don’t start to think it’s all under control and have a drink the next day. that’s what happened to me the day after standing at a bar for 3 hours at a funeral, next day I was like that was easy so I’ll have a drink now. What a dick head. Stay focused. :v:


31 days!? That’s awesome! That’s a solid foundation for recovery! I definitely can relate to the mental detox part. I honestly believe that if we don’t take a look inside to treat why we drink, then we end up right where we started. . . Looking for an escape and self medicating. I’m so happy for you @Sweetlillove! Keep fighting this thing! You can do this! :tada::fire:
I’m doing well. . . I’m a couple of days away from 500 days sober. The staying at home thing is definitely taking a toll on my mental well being, but I’m doing okay. I’m ready to go outside and play!

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7 days!!! :grin:


Yeah its illegal so if I get caught with it ig that would be a consequence. I will have a trip sitter whenever I do it for sure though that is educated on drugs and psychs, especially there adverse reactions. I can say for certain I wont hurt anyone else as I’ll be staying at my house with a trip sitter, and maybe after a couple hours if I feel good take a walk outside or something. I could get test kits for it but I know I will do lsd first and people would be losing money if they laced with anything else (and nothing would be active in those small doses as lsd is sold), besides NBOMES and DOC, which there is a saying if its bitter its a spitter because lsd has no taste, and nbome and doc have a distinct bitter and chemical taste. I could think of numerous drugs I have done that I would have answered no to a few or even most of those questions, that I have done without any long term damage AND without consequences.

Ahh the addicts justification. I used to tell myself that heroin wasn’t so bad because it didn’t damage my organs.


From the Talking Sober Rules and Guidelines:

  1. Rather than posting about using, try to keep your focus on how you want to stop using. This is a sobriety focused site - promoting moderation can negatively impact members’ sobriety.

Presenting psychedelic use as desirable and discussing your plans and intent to do it falls under this rule.

  1. Do not promote illegal activities.

Psychedelics are controlled substances and illegal almost everywhere with few exceptions, so talking about how you’re going to purchase or use them falls under this rule.

You can have your opinions on psychedelic use, no one is making you change them, but you have to realize that this is an inappropriate place to advocate such activity or discuss your plans to engage in it. If you want to do so, there are more appropriate places on the internet for that.


646 days. Holy cow. Quit smoking about the same time, too. No relapses so far. :pray:


On day 156!!


Day 9 sober. Last time I relapsed this day. I am glad to surpass the rabbit hole


how did the bbq go, how did you get on?

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Life is so much better, the first few days are physically tough but just treat your body with kindness. It deserves it. Lots of rest, water, and simple foods.


I reset. Ugh, I hate admitting that aloud but if I lie to everyone and say it was great and easy than I am doing nobody any good. I struggle to determine if I want to remain sober or get my drinking under control. I surround myself with people that all drink,
Albeit they control themselves. Mine is more when I do drink it is binge drinking and leads to occasional blackouts. I enjoy the social aspect of it, but hate the anxiety it gives me the next day. Last night at the bbq was fun and I had 4 Landshark beers so I was completely in control of myself the whole night. But I also feel like I let myself down since I had even 1 beer at all. I struggle so much trying to answer what I am really wanting to do.


if you were entirely happy with your drinking you wouldn’t be on here asking yourself questions. We would all love to be able to moderate our drinking like normal people but we are not like them, they do not suffer with our illness. If your were allergic to strawberries and everyone was eating them would you ask for one or ten?
it’s all or nothing for people like us and all will eventually kill us so it has to be nothing. Next time there is a party or bbq etc you have to excuse yourself, you must be selfish and not put yourself near temptation. This may upset a few people sometimes but that’s just their ego wanting you there for themselves for one reason or another. Eventually as long as you are honest people will offer support and understanding. So for now we go back to the beginning, there’s no short cut so it’s not no big deal being where your meant to be. Learn, fall, learn fall, learn, win.


Oh man, if I could just control it and drink like a normal person I’d drink all day!!


I am 142 days sober. This life I thought could never be, has happened and I am so grateful for each day.


I posted a few days back. I will be 7 days sober in a few hours! Tonight and last night were very ruff though. But I am here and I am sober.


46 days😊 and moving forward


Day 10 sober. I wish you all a blessed Sunday


725 days… pretty amazing. But some days I feel like I’m drunk or hungover. I guess it’s a mental thing


94 days AF!! :raised_hands:t3::muscle:t3::blush: